Same here. I've taken a look at the logs, and there are some strange "file not found" errors for files that are clearly there.
Things I've tried:
- uninstall then running the clean uninstaller tool, then re-installing (note, after the installer finishes it's work, the subsequent launch of fusion360 so you can sign in never happens... although there is a background process for both f360 and the launcher that stay in the background without crashing basically forever.)
- added fusion360, and the fusionLauncher.exe (from both production and meta directories) to the list of apps to allow firewall access, making sure both public and private networks were allowed
- logging on to my other windows machine got a popup that said there was a session open on the first machine. I chose to force that sessions to close, went back and tried to launch, still no bueno...
- running in both windows 8 and windows 7 compatibility mode
- forcing the program to run as admin (note... when you configure it this way, the missing file error actually gets displayed, whereas normally it's just burried in the logs and no popups or anything show)
- changing the graphics driver to use the onboard display
None of this works. I've attached my complete `autodesk.webdeploy.streamer.log` from one of the fresh install and launch attempts.
Edit: rolling back didn't work for me either