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Fusion 360 is acting STUPID!!! (REALLY)

Message 1 of 20
1189 Views, 19 Replies

Fusion 360 is acting STUPID!!! (REALLY)

I am doing some drawings, and the measurements are NOT adding up.  I.E. according to Fusion when measuring parts of the drawing on a face that is 2. 518" across, from one edge, I get 1.2187" to a feature on the drawing, then from that same point on that feature to the opposite edge, I get 1.8508" and that doesn't work as the last time I checked (but I will admit I am not great at math), when you add 1.2187" and 1.8508" together, you get..3.0695"!!!



Also, when trying to extrude a face, I can not input more than two numerals or it will drop the first two, and then go to the third. I.E. if I try to input .0937" I can input .09, but as soon as I input the 3, it extrudes to 3"...what the heck????? Unfortunately, it seems I can only post three photos, so I can't post the ones of the extrusion problem.



Message 2 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

Ok.. I figure out what was happening with the measurements, so I tried to edit the post, but I can't so please ignore that, but the part about the problem with the extruding is still giving me fits!!  If it's not Fusion 360 and I'm doing something wrong please let me know, but until last night, it had never done this before!!



Message 3 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

Can you attach an f3d file to diagnose your problem. 

Message 4 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

1. Use the "insert photos: button to embed images into your post. It is really hard to miss, but then some users still manage 😕

Screen Shot 2019-11-28 at 8.57.32 PM.png


2. Windows and MacOS both have had and still have builtin screenshot utilities. Please use the utilities built into the OS  Fusion 360 even has a builtin capture image functionality.


Message 5 of 20
in reply to: TrippyLighting

here you go

Message 6 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

It looks like a bug to me, I can repeat the problem with a single rectangle. If you use offset face instead, you should not have a problem. 


Edit, definite bug. Any second whole number after a zero will reset the dimension to the next number, .0023 will change to 3. 






Message 7 of 20
in reply to: wmhazzard

Yes, that is what happens. Sorry, I don't know what an offset face is, please explain.



Message 8 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

Under the Modify tab, select offset face, it will do just as the name suggests. 

Message 9 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

@Draknkep wrote:

I am doing some drawings...

Drawings (2D for sheet of paper) or models?

Sketch1 - I would use Rectangle rather than Offset and my rectangle would be located at the Origin, fully defined.

Sketch2 - I would not have ANY repeated dimensions, no extraneous geometry and my sketch would be fully defined.

I would do only one side and mirror, I would have symmetry. (your sketch is not symmetrical)

My Fillets would be grouped by size.

My Sketch7  would be fully defined - precisely locating and sizing the hole. 

I would not have extraneous features like Extrude9. (Simply edit Extrude1)

And Extrude10?  Why didn't you simply edit Extrude9 (or better yet, Extrude1)?

Extrude12,13 &14??? I was going to remodel the part to show how I would do it till I saw this???


You are doing way to much work. (LOL, just went back and read the title of the thread.)  😅


Servo Mount.png


Message 10 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

@Draknkep wrote:

... if I try to input .0937" I can input .09, but as soon as I input the 3, it extrudes to 3"...what the heck?????

Verified bug.  (Type faster 🤔 )

Message 11 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

@Draknkep wrote:

 ...when you add 1.2187" and 1.8508"

Are you measuring from face-to-face (straight line distance) or are you measuring from edge-to-edge (hypotenuse of triangles)?


Dimension Confusion.PNG

Message 12 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep


Turn on your sound...

Message 13 of 20
in reply to: wmhazzard

thanks, @wmhazzard for looking into this.  What happens is that once a value like ".09" has been typed, it is auto-highlighted, so, when you type the next number, it replaces that value.  If you type fast enough, the auto-highlighting does not happen.  Or, if you click into the entry field, or use an arrow key, etc, the highlighting will get removed.


Created FUS-57218 to fix this

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 14 of 20
in reply to: jeff_strater

Thanks @jeff_strater , I did start a new thread on the specific problem so it didn't get buried in this thread. 

Message 15 of 20
in reply to: wmhazzard

ok, good.  Do you happen to have a link to the new thread?  Just want to make sure I reference it in the bug.  Thanks

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 16 of 20
in reply to: jeff_strater
Message 17 of 20
in reply to: TheCADWhisperer

Yes, I realized what was happening there, but no way to edit the post at that point.



Message 18 of 20
in reply to: TheCADWhisperer

What can I say, I'm a self taught 3D cad newbie!! And this is a servo mount for a model airplane.



Message 19 of 20
in reply to: Draknkep

Take a look at the Timeline of the file that I Attached.

I recommend that you reproduce my steps as practice and not plow ahead until you understand the steps that I used.

Message 20 of 20
in reply to: TheCADWhisperer

I went to that page, unfortunately, I don't see a video relating to my problem.


And, though there is still a bug there, since it has been found that if you type fast, it will work properly, I'm set. thank you.



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