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F360 not saving auto or manually, all cache change occur on start / exit program

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F360 not saving auto or manually, all cache change occur on start / exit program

I have been using Fusion 360 most of the evening from about 4pm until midnight / 1am.

I had it set to save design history, and was backing up manually several times per hour.


Around midnight / 1230 - without any warning message - the UI started hanging, and subsequent attempts to login show the nav tree of my design, but there is no rendering (including grid).


I reviewed the log files and eventually determined that some kind of maintenance was being done, again with no MOTD-type warning.  This concerns me since I tried saving files while that was happening. 


I also tried running 360 from a completely separate computer.  Same results.  Both are up-to-date Win 10 with 64 - 128 GB memory and multiple GPUs.  


I then went to look in my cache(s) to see if I could dig out any  of my recent saves .... however, for each file or project I was working on, the only time something is written to disk corresponds to times when I quit or restarted Fusion 360.  There is no evidence of design history being saved.  As a matter of fact, there is a message saying that "branching" is no longer supported and all branches have been removed.


There was also no evidence on my local disk of of caching or "Save As" at the times between starting and stopping the program.


Finally, not only were my saves-by-hand not being made, but the log files are full of messages saying something to the effect of

"File XXX is not being autosaved because the user has it open and is working on it."

I think perhaps we have different concepts of what "auto save" means, and why one would want to do it. 

Or what saving means.

I suppose it's good to make sure that my files are being saved, or at least not deleted, when I am not editing them.


Unfortunately my files are all now inaccessible, other that what was written on entry / exit of the 360 program.  

and  360 itself continues to be hung.


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