I've spent ages making a design to be cut on my laser cutter, after checking I could export to dxf via multiple YouTube videos...
... but as I'm on a free version, it wont let me & says I need to buy the full version.
Is there a way I could convert the files so to bring them into Inkscape, for free?
I've got free cad and blender, if that helps.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by davebYYPCU. Go to Solution.
I think you can export a sketch as DXF, even in the Personal subscription. Try right-clicking on a sketch in the browser, and see if this menu item appears:
I appears to work on sketches, but I've loads of bodies, I'll need to convert to sketches, which I'm not sure how to do. Is there another way?
1. Please show some bodies and explain in which way they should be cut.
2. Body profiles can be projected in sketches and then exported as DXF.
@veggiedom wrote:
I appears to work on sketches, but I've loads of bodies, I'll need to convert to sketches, which I'm not sure how to do. Is there another way?
presumably, the bodies you are planning to cut with a laser cutter are planar (2D with thickness). You can just create a sketch on the top of each body you want to cut. If you have "Auto project geometry on active sketch plane" enabled (which is the default), all the geometry from that face will be created in the sketch (as invisible curves, but that should not matter). You can then export the sketch as DXF. If you have many bodies, this could take a while, but the workflow is pretty simple: Create a sketch for each body and export it.
Get DXFer from Github.
Select body face/s.
Does not require components, nor separate Project sketching by you.
Will give you all of those faces, in one dxf file. Your own Nesting is required.
Use Layers setting, as I could not get the blocks setting to work.
Might help.....
thanks, @davebYYPCU - I always forget about add-ins, and this one in particular. Great advice!
I forgot to mention,
I do one file per material thickness, more to do with cut settings, than getting the export.
Might help.....
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