Dimension is not visible during drag - OSX 10.14.6 - F360 2.0.7824


Dimension is not visible during drag - OSX 10.14.6 - F360 2.0.7824


Dimension is not visible during drag


  1. Disable (uncheck) 'Show Dimensions' in the SKETCH PALETTE
  2. Create sketch
  3. Create a circle
  4. Click on the circle to make the dimension visible
  5. Click and drag the dimension and notice that it disappears 
  6. Drag to a new location anyway
  7. Click on the circle and notice the dimension is made visible in the new location

Expected: Even with 'Show Dimensions' disabled, it is expected that the displayed dimension is visible during a drag event.

Versions: OSX 10.14.6 - F360 2.0.7824



Accepted solutions (1)
3 Replies
Replies (3)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for taking the time to report this. I never knew you could force invisible dimensions to appear when dimension visibility was turned off.


I'm happy to log an improvement request, but I need more information about your motivation.


Tell me a little more about your workflow and how the current condition affects it. Also if Fusion had this change how would it affect your workflow. 



Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.

1 Like


Thanks Phil, 


I didn't think about it that way before, but I see now why you ask.


I have the dimensions visibility disabled to reduce visual clutter when I have lots of them in a design but it is super helpful that on item selection the dimension becomes visible. No matter what happens with regard the fact that they disappear while dragging, please keep the feature where they are displayed when an item is selected no matter what the Show Dimensions box says. It would be a regression in usability if I had to go and enable 'Show Dimensions' in the SKETCH PALETTE every time I wanted to change a dimension value.


Again, the fact that the dimension is displayed when an item is selected even when 'Show Dimensions' is disabled is a GOOD THING👍 Please keep that working just as it does right now! 😀


Back to the issue I reported, sometimes a dimension is simply parked in a place that makes it difficult to read. Usually this is when it is over some part of a sketch or gets covered or lost in a mess of lines when the view is zoomed out.


Being able to drag it out into open space where it can be updated and to of course, be able to see it while it is being dragged, is very useful. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Accepted solution

Got it. 


No worries, I'm quite sure the experience that you enjoy is as-design. I just didn't know about it until now. Your reasoning is compelling. I get it. Thanks for letting us know.

Phil Eichmiller
Software Engineer
Quality Assurance
Autodesk, Inc.

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