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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
With the latest update (2.0.12157), I'm getting weird behavior with the browser window--it keeps disappearing. I've toggled the browser on and off, and quit and restarted the program with the browser showing several times. I can get it to show up, but the moment I click anywhere on the workspace the browser window disappears. Not sure if this is a bug or if something got toggled accidentally in a menu I'm not familiar with.
Thanks for the video. But at the end of it, Fusion has a browser in place. Do you know the steps to produce a missing browser? That's the complaint, that the browser disappears, most likely due to switching spaces, and Fusion is left without any model browser. That is the effect we need to learn how to reproduce.
In my case, the browser reappeared consistently simply by selecting View > Show Browser but disappeared when switching back from another virtual screen or, as it often happened, even when clicking somewhere in the Fusion 360 window itself.
Now, after removing the virtual screens, the browser no longer disappears. I've also created a new virtual screen and have so far not seen the problem reappear. With little luck, the glitch can be permanently resolved by these two simple steps, i.e. remove all virtual screens and new ones as desired.
I went back and did some more testing and came to the same conclusion as user mputaala. It has something to do with switching between apps on different virtual desktops. Normally I have 3 with different apps assigned to different desktops. And when using command+tab to change app and desktop and the return to Fusion the browser disappears behind main window. It seems that the browser, comments and navigation bar layer is no longer attached to the main window and can be hidden behind it. I guess this a mac-only problem.
I've made another small screen recording showing the issue.
Mac running 10.15.7 with Radeon HD7xxx. Running Fusion in full screen mode browser keeps disappearing. Toggle through show/hide browser and the browser returns until another function is performed. What I found is that the browser is docking off screen. Manually resize screen (smaller) and drag browser back into position. Resize to full screen and the browser seems to stay put for the time being. This has started happening since the last update. Seems to be a bug. My 2 centavos.
Seeing this too. It started for me the day I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur on my M1 Air.
I can make it happen by dragging Fusion to a different Space. When i switch to that Space, Fusion has no Browser. If I pick hide and then show Browser, I am switched to the Space where Fusion was originally and the Browser is shown there along with the Comments bar and the Toolbar but without any other Fusion windows, etc.
If I drag Fusion360 back to its original Space, things to back to normal.
This problem is logged as a bug and we are working on it.
For now, the obvious way to avoid this is to not drag Fusion between virtual desktops.
If you can achieve the bug without the step of dragging Fusion between desktops/spaces, please provide the steps you take so we can test it with your example.
(ref: FUS-97717)
Does the browser disappear:
1. When you first enter Fusion 360 full screen
2. While you work in Fusion 360 full screen without taking any action like switching to any other application
3. When you are working in full screen Fusion 360 and take action like switching between applications or some other action?
I need to narrow down the trigger, not the condition. Thanks for your help.
i can confirm this issue on Catalina 10.15.7 on iMac. Also using multiple Desktops since these are essential to my workflow so not using Spaces/Desktops just to get this working again is really a no go.
Browser, navigation bar are missing on startup and dissapear again randomly after hide/show.
Also the status display in the bottom right corner (where you can see the dimensions and location of currently selected element) is completely gone and i have found no way to get it back.
@Phil.E: In my case, I'm able to replicate the issue by assigning Fusion 360 to a virtual desktop other than the one in which it was initially started. There are two ways to trigger the issue:
- Drag Fusion 360 to another virtual desktop after pressing Ctrl-↑
- Select a virtual desktop in the Dock options
On the other hand, starting Fusion 360 on one virtual desktop and keeping there appears to prevent the browser from disappearing. I've selected None in the Dock options (see the below screenshot) and then started Fusion 360 in an otherwise empty desktop (restart of the application was required, i.e. it wasn't enough to just make that None-selection). That seems to help, and I've not had the problem for a little while. Am currently running MacOS 12.2.1, but the latest update did not seem to have any effect on the behavior.
Hope this helps your investigation.
@mputaala Thanks for the excellent details. I can add those to the test case.
I've also experienced that the browser layer gets separated from the UI window in fullscreen mode. I've attached a video showing the issue. Its repeatable after each restart of fusion. I really hope for a speedy fix on this and the trackpad issue. Together they completely breaks my flow when working.
@mputaala wrote:@Phil.E: In my case, I'm able to replicate the issue by assigning Fusion 360 to a virtual desktop other than the one in which it was initially started. There are two ways to trigger the issue:
browser from disappearing. I've selected None in the Dock options (see the below screenshot)
Hope this helps your investigation.
just an update, funnily enough i had 'None' selected and was getting the issue .. then i have set it to 'All Desktops' and the issues dissapeared. Now i just checked and 'None' is selected again although i had set it to 'All Desktops'.
In any case the issue is solved for me now, but it would be great to be able to assign Fusion to a specific Desktop without the issues. I think it's definitely a bug rellated to Apple spaces.
Thanks for the additional details.
This seems like a definite bug for Fusion 360 on the Mac. In addition to the Browser disappearing, if I am editing a manufacturing operation that can disappear too.
For the Browser disappearing I can use CMD+Option+B twice to get it to reappear.
There does not seem to be any solution if the operation editor disappears, I have to switch to Design, then back to Manufacture, and then start the operation over.
With a complex set of manufacturing operations this all seems more frequent and problematic.
Please see if you can reproduce and fix this, it definitely started with an update in January, never had the issue before that.
I too have Fusion running in a separate desktop, I will try starting in that desktop to see if the issue goes away. That's very helpful in tracking it down.
I tried starting Fusion 360 in the desktop I want it in. If I then switch to an app in the other desktop and come back the browser disappears. I have confirmed it goes behind the other windows.
Hope that is helpful to track it down.
I have confirmed that any time I switch to another Desktop and come back the browser disappears, regardless of where I started Fusion 360. If I switch to viewing all windows via F3, then I see the browser and can click on it and it comes back in the proper place.
Im having the same problem (on a Mac) also the browser sometimes floats over another window open in front of fusion. Toggling browser off takes two goes — first time it thinks it's on. Been occurring for the last few months
@Phil.E, it looks like the issue is still there after the March update. When hitting Control-Up, I can see that the overlays are in their separate windows but separated from the main Fusion 360 window. To trick to bring them back and make them stick around is to e.g. switch to another design. But even then, the layers disappear upon switching to another virtual desktop.
But the behavior has changed slightly, and now the layers no longer appear to disappear when clicking anywhere in the Fusion 360 window so there's at least been some improvement. The layers now only seem to disappear when changing to another desktop.
Here the info from About Fusion 360 for reference:
Active Plan: Fusion 360, Subscription
macOS 12.2.1 x86_64 (21D62) on MacBookPro18,3
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