Information: Size of intermediate NC data: 19.1kb
Debug: Loading intermediate NC data from 'c:\Users\pmt\.vscode\extensions\autodesk.hsm-post-processor-3.2.2\res\CNC files\Milling\5x Simultaneous\swarf.cnc'.
Debug: Loading intermediate NC data as CNC.
Debug: Intermediate NC data loaded.
Debug: Number of NC records: 617
Debug: Number of NC sections: 1
Debug: Number of tools: 1
Debug: NC record build time: 00:00.153
Debug: NC record memory usage: 85.4kb
Debug: overriding property: programName=1005
Debug: overriding property: unit=0
Debug: overriding user-defined property: programName=1005
Debug: overriding user-defined property: unit=0
Information: property: writeMachine=true [true]
Information: property: writeTools=true [true]
Information: property: preloadTool=true [true]
Information: property: showSequenceNumbers=true [true]
Information: property: sequenceNumberStart=10 [10]
Information: property: sequenceNumberIncrement=5 [5]
Information: property: optionalStop=true [true]
Information: property: o8=false [false]
Information: property: separateWordsWithSpace=true [true]
Information: property: allow3DArcs=false [false]
Information: property: useRadius=false [false]
Information: property: forceIJK=false [false]
Information: property: useParametricFeed=false [false]
Information: property: showNotes=true [true]
Information: property: useSmoothing=true [true]
Information: property: usePitchForTapping=false [false]
Information: property: useG95=false [false]
Information: property: useG28=true [true]
Information: property: useG54x4=true [true]
Information: property: useSubroutines=false [false]
Information: property: useFilesForSubprograms=false [false]
Information: property: useSubroutinePatterns=false [false]
Information: property: useSubroutineCycles=false [false]
Information: property: useRigidTapping='yes' ['yes']
Information: property:*programName=1005 [undefined]
Information: property:*unit=0 [undefined]
Debug: Opening temporary NC file 'C:\Users\pmt\AppData\Local\Temp\'.
Information: Configuration: FANUC
Information: Vendor: Fanuc
Information: Posting intermediate data to 'C:\Users\pmt\AppData\Local\Temp\'
Information: Elapsed time: 00:00.983
Information: Size of output: 31.5kb
Error: Failed to post process. See below for details.
Code page changed to '1252 (ANSI - Latin I)'
Command-line: C:\Users\pmt\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\d329faf365c350668f1b0d009520835a9e1834a8\Applications\CAM360\post.exe --noeditor --debugall --shorten 50000 --property unit 0 --property programName 1005 "c:\Users\pmt\Desktop\5 AXIS\HSMWORKS POST PROCESSOR\G250 working post FANUC\making edits COPY\fanuc_31I_EDITING.cps" "c:\Users\pmt\.vscode\extensions\autodesk.hsm-post-processor-3.2.2\res\CNC files\Milling\5x Simultaneous\swarf.cnc" C:\Users\pmt\AppData\Local\Temp\
Start time: Monday, August 3, 2020 7:08:08 PM
!DEBUG: 1 fanuc_31I_EDITING.cps:24
Code page changed to '20127 (US-ASCII)'
Post processor engine: 4.5689.0
Configuration path: c:\Users\pmt\Desktop\5 AXIS\HSMWORKS POST PROCESSOR\G250 working post FANUC\making edits COPY\fanuc_31I_EDITING.cps
Include paths: c:\Users\pmt\Desktop\5 AXIS\HSMWORKS POST PROCESSOR\G250 working post FANUC\making edits COPY
Configuration modification date: Monday, August 3, 2020 7:06:00 PM
Output path: C:\Users\pmt\AppData\Local\Temp\
Checksum of intermediate NC data: 1b69f9128db4b9d92e87b05982c55f10
Checksum of configuration: f715ed01dffb1a58d8795c6dba8ffc80
Legal: Copyright (C) 2012-2020 by Autodesk, Inc.
Generated by: Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.8156
Error: REWIND: Rewind of machine is required for simultaneous multi-axis toolpath and has been disabled.
Stop time: Monday, August 3, 2020 7:08:09 PM
Post processing failed.