large cnc program files incredibly slow


large cnc program files incredibly slow


I have a few program files, pretty complex multiaxis work. 


Fusion used to be reasonably responsive, but after the last big update Autodesk did, it seems very slow. 

I have three set ups in all of these files, about 120 toolpaths per set up. 


Fusion takes about 5-8 minutes to open them now and picking new geometry and changing the toolpaths around is a very patient process. 


Are there any tips to making fusion faster? Or is this just a weakness of the platform? 

Should it switch to a different product? I have been evaluating Solidworks / Mastercam. As ive been using that forever, but the ability to jump from design to manufacturing and having the files linked was a huge bonus and the reason i started using fusion years ago. But the better i get with fusion, the more i am starting to dislike it lately. 


Do not ask for the file. It is confidential work, confidential complex work. 

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11 Replies
Replies (11)


I am having similar issues, also only seemingly recently in the last few weeks


Points where the whole software will not respond for minutes at a time either opening files or modifying / creating toolpaths. I've gone through the lists of what to do when working with large and complex files, like disabling ALL animations + optimizing the user preferences for performance, but still issues

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I've had this for years with the mould tools I design and make. The workaround I use is to derive the parts I'm going to machine out to another design or sometimes even several designs. This way the tool design never gets too much data in it so doesn't slow down and because there's very little done in the design workspace in the derived designs they tend to suffer less as the CAM data builds up.


One problem with this approach is you can not make a copy of a branched distributed design. I have found a workaround where I insert all the derived designs into an assembly, downloading this assembly creates a F3Z with all the linked designs.



Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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It's taking me over 2-3 minutes to edit or create new 2D contour toolpaths, for simple chamfering, because of how it hangs up. I can turn off in process stock and still have it take significantly longer that it *should* (based on my own 5+ years of previous experience)


It is only happening recently, and any software package with $2k+ paid subscription purporting to cater to Multi Axis users should be able to functionally work parts / fixtures through the 2-3 setups a part needs, as well as a fixture within a single saved file. Am I crazy or should this somehow not be possible. I'm not doing CAM on every part in a 40 part assembly, I'm trying to get one part out

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Same here, but only seem to notice it on files with any sorta mutliaxis.....sometimes they will be reasonable and sometimes even simple ones jump off a cliff and take forever to update basic things (with stock calc and view turned off).


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Interesting, there are quite a few of us with this issue then. 

all of my files are separate files from the parts themselves, so i do separate the part file from the programs and fixture assemblies. 

I have tried to break the link from the part, but it destroys the position of all the parts and sketches ive made, i'll start one from scratch when i do the next on and break all links. 




Yeah, so i broke the links to the parts in a test file. and it doesnt help at all. 

i also turned off in process stock, but that made little to no difference.



Its taking me an absolutely INSANE amount of time to edit and create new toolpaths. I would really like autodesk to at least let us know what is going on. or at least tell us what not to do. 

I will have to switch to a better software if i cant figure this out. this is terrible. 



I had a $40k part scrapped last week because I can't get the software to actually load toolpath simulation on a basic 3D adaptive roughing, it over gouged the side of my part somehow despite being 'model aware', but I had so many tool paths above it that just getting it generate, one time, was half an hour of unusable software 


Then once it happened I tried to deep dig and find where it did that, only to have a finally completed stock simulation show a perfect part, so glad I get to untangle this as I need to run more. Quite frankly I cannot trust the software to do what it is both advertised to do, or what I have had success in the past doing. Looks like 2D adaptive constrained by sketches is the only way to go, now just good luck to me actually getting that geometry selected with the current release's "instability"


I've stopped submitting error reports it just goes no where and I find myself explaining more problems than actually getting parts out




New one from me, Stock won't generate, at all, and freezes the whole program on single regeneration of simple drill cycle


Anyone from @Anonymous gonna comment orrrrr



I have had that happen before. I found the solution was to de-select the checkbox at the bottom of the geometry tab called MODEL [include setup model] and manually select the same model manually using the selection just above the check box, and the random gouges disappeared.  Dont understand that one entirely as its the same model being selected. but somehow it fixed the gouging and some odd toolpath generations when using the 3D toolpaths. 



I'm having similar issues, I've noticed it being slow for large files for a while now, not sure exactly how long but definitely last 6 months. the parts we're doing don't have a lot in the way of surfacing but do have lots of tool paths.

Changing the description of an operation locks it up, not changing the operation, not moving the operation in the tree, just changing the description.

Years ago I was talking with a customer that was using SolidWorks and they complained Solidworks kept piling on more and more features that negated the benefits of getting newer work stations. I feel Fusion360 has moved in that direction too and thats causing this.




So ive finally talked to some Autodesk employees on a service request for this stuff. 

It appears that they have actually updated the software to fix some of these slow issues. as they are gone now. 

BIG PROBLEM though after they did the update. 

ALL of my exiting or older programs are full of broken toolpaths. 

Missing geometry, contours are flipped the opposite direction. 3d toolpaths missing geomerty, I mean its alot. 


So now i have to fix every program berore can re post and use it. 


I'm glad they fix stuff all the time, but man this is getting really frustrating. I dont have free time to fix this stuff all day. This is so much work to fix this stuff. 


They put in another service request to see if they can stop that from happening when they do updates. 

I know when  i updated mastercam year to year it wouldnt ever break toolpaths like this.