Hello all,
I'm about to order some thread mills from the brand Johannes Boss (http://www.johs-boss.de/en/products/thread-milling-cutters/bgf/)
On the website of the supplied we can download a programming tool, and when i use that tool i can generate some G-code which is great. But i really just want to use Fusion to program my (4 axis indexed) parts.
I mention that my parts are indexed, otherwise it would be easy to just make a sub program.
But now i'd need to readjust my Z-heights because of the offset translation.
Here's the info and code generated by the JBO tool:
Thread definition:
Thread shortcut: M 10
Type: straight
Screwing direction: right
Internal / external thread: Internal thread
Thread pitch [mm]: 1,5
Thread depth / length [mm]: 24,65
Tool definition:
Tool information: BGF M 10 (x1,5) 2,5xD IK
Order number: 400110
Cutter length l1 [mm]: 26,95
Cutter-Ø [mm] d1: 7,95
No. of teeth: 2
Countersinking length ls [mm]: 28,2
Cutting direction: right hand cutting
Machining parameters:
Type of machine: Milling machine
Control type: DIN
Cooling: Internal cooling
Feed rate according to: Miller center
Milling direction: Conventional milling
No. of cutting passes (radial): One
Produce deep thread (axial): No
Tool compensation: On
No. of discharge cycle: 1
Cutting data & miscellaneous:
Material group: Aluminium
Material: Aluminium ≤ 140 N/mm²
Cutting speed [m/min]: 250
Rotation speed [1/min]: 10010
Feed per teeth [mm]: 0,11
Feed rate (milling) [mm/min]: 469
Drilling feed [mm/U]: 0,22
Feed rate (drilling) [mm/min]: 2202
Expected processing time [s]: 3,06
Processing operations: Drilling, countersinking & thread milling
Output dimension unit: [mm]
This programme has been created according to DIN 66025. The programme is used as example for programming and should be
proved in any case of assumption before operation by simulation. The company Johs. Boss GmbH & Co. KG takes no
responsibility on the correctness of the nc-code and will not take any liability for possible occurring damage on
operation equipment or staff.
N010 T1 M06
N020 G00 G90 G54 S10010 M03
N030 X0 Y0 M08
N050 G01 Z-1.000 F1101
N060 G01 Z-26.947 F2202
N070 G00 Z2.000 ;(END OF DRILLING)
N090 G01 Z-28.200 F734
N110 Z-24.997
N130 G01 G42 X0 Y3.975 F235
N140 G02 X0 Y-9.027 I0 J-4.513 Z-0.225
N150 G02 X0 Y0 I0 J5.052 Z-1.500 F469
N160 G02 X0 Y9.027 I0 J4.513 Z-0.225
N170 G01 G40 X0 Y-3.975
N190 G00 Z2.000
N200 M09
N210 M30
Is there a way that i can make a custom cycle in fusion? Or should i try to "connect" two drilling cycles and a thread mill cycle?
Also, i'd like to use radius compensation, regardless of the hole size i select
(input the D dia instead of the hole in my solid. Often a M10 hole will have a 8.5mm hole in the solid. Which is not what i want to mill, i want an R5 helix with radius compensation. Of course, i don't know if i can even use the same tool in fusion for these operations.
But please, have a look at the video, to really understand what i'm tryin to program. I'm doing my best to express myself in English, even though it's not my mother language.