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My Outstanding Work not functioning properly

Message 1 of 20
1476 Views, 19 Replies

My Outstanding Work not functioning properly

In the home screen of PLM360, there is a section called "My Outstanding Work".

Before all the outstanding work items would show in this list right away.


Currently this list is not being generated when you open the tab. Also when I click on the refresh button, it shows that it is loading something and after 5-10 minutes of loading maybe one item would appear.


This issue is consistent with all users in our tenant and this is causing a significant inefficiency in our productivity. 


Below I have attached an image to illustrate what I’m exactly referring to.

Is there any solution to fix this issue?




Message 2 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi Amit,

I have created new support case for this issue and will contact you shortly.


Bastien Mazeran

Technical Support Specialist

Message 3 of 20
in reply to: bastien.mazeran

Thank you!

Message 4 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

Is there any update on this issue? I also have issues with my outstanding work not appearing in this area as well. When I click the refresh icon, it sits and spins forever and it doesn't refresh or update the outstanding work. I am using google chrome.and I end up closing the entire PLM360 module and reloading it again. By the way when I do the outstanding work still doesn't show up.

Message 5 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous


I tried to refresh in IE9, Firefox and also Chrome. The system still doesn't work properly as the icon just spins with no refreshing motion.

Message 6 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

I am having the same issue. This feature was working property last week. I also tried it using IE9, Firefox and Chrome with no luck!
Can any of you let us know what is happening?

Message 7 of 20
in reply to: TLopez0

Hello Robert and Tomas,

I will create a new support case to look into your outstanding work issue. I will be contacting you shortly.


Bastien Mazeran

Technical Support Specialist

Message 8 of 20

Well, it's been nearly 3 years for this complaint.  

I too have this issue with My Outstanding Work.  It doesn't auto-refresh and it takes up to 20 minutes for it to refresh.

If you can't fix it (by now) then DELETE it.  It's virtually worthless as currently configured.  


No one in my company likes it or finds it useful.  Unless the refresh is automatic and FAST!!  Scrap it!


I'd like a response please that I can forward to my VP of Quality.  He's pissed too!


Dave Clifton, Manager of Document Control at Boa Technology

Message 9 of 20

We have this issue too. We sold Fusion Lifecycle to our employees on the basis that emails would not longer be required and they would instead work from their outstanding work list. This certainly isn't the case and to get around the slow refresh rate, we have had to turn on a lot of email notifications in our workspaces as an unfortunate workaround.


I have noticed further degradation of the outstanding work list performance in recent weeks and have raised a case. Before, it seemed to at least refresh overnight but even this seems to be inconsistent. Users are now unaware of certain tasks because they think their list has refreshed (it hasn't) and we are now missing key deliverable in our business. yes, we've turned on emails but these can be missed too easily.


For us, a real-time outstanding work list would be the single biggest improvement to Fusion Lifecycle. I understand that this is being looked at but I don't have any firm schedule for release. 



Message 10 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Jon, thank you for reporting your observations. I'd like to check something with you::

~ are you seeing issues with MOW showing incorrect results (ie missing items you know should be there; present items that should not be in the list) soon as user updates the list via its refrash icon

~ or the issue is one of performance and data staleness requiring of users to update the list to see current status.

Let me know,

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 11 of 20


I recently had a 2 hour conversation with an Autodesk Sr. Product Line Manager.  It was very constructive.  We reviewed several things in my Tenant and made some adjustments that had an immediate impact on the re-fresh time for MOW.


1. We reviewed all Workspaces in the Workspace Manager.  For every Workspace that did not require MOW capture we unchecked the

Display in My Outstanding Work check box in Workspace Settings.  There are quite a few Workspaces in my Tenant that do not require MOW.  Basic ones, some that are not used but we had in Tenant when purchased, others that contain active data but do not trigger tasks.  And some that are in development.


2. Typically, only Revisioning Workspaces and Workflow Controlled Workspaces need the box checked.  If others "are" checked, they will impact the refresh time because they are then used in the calculation!


3. Next Workflows were checked.  Every transition between states was reviewed.  We had erroneously defaulted to a Condition Script for many transitions that did not need them.  By removing those we removed the looping that occurred in the condition scripts every time. ONLY Condition Scripts impact MOW!


4. We next looked at the Scripts themselves.  Many we wrote used If, Then statements overly excessively.  And some called for library scripts multiple times when also unnecessary.  By looking closely at which transitions specified in the Condition Scripts weren't actually doing anything (except wasting milliseconds) we eliminated many wasteful lines of code.  And by moving some global variables "inside" specific functions instead of calling them "globally"

 where every function called them even when unnecessary, we eliminated even more milliseconds.


Every unnecessary line of code represented milliseconds for every Workspace, and every transition in that workspace, and for every item and every user with access to that workspace.  The milliseconds added up.  Big time!


As Admin, my MOW refresh time was in the 5 to 10 minute range.  It is now ~70 seconds.  The typical user (non-Admin) is ~30 seconds or less.  Average about 10 seconds.


There is no auto-refresh that I can see.  My user yesterday had very stale data in his MOW because of that.  He also missed e-mails requesting him to perform some recent tasks so he was oblivious.  When I directed him to "refresh" the stale data was replaced by his current requests.


I strongly recommend(ed) that Autodesk program an auto-refresh functionality.  I'd suggest that it occur whenever a user lands on the "home" page.


The very kind Autodesk gentleman I spent that time with will post here when he can.  He also plans to schedule some time with his top consultants to train the trainers on this subject.  He is fully aware of our concern and wants to make sure that training and delivery teams have a solid understanding on how to help users optimize our Tenants for reasonable MOW calculations.




Message 12 of 20
in reply to: gasevsm

Hi Martin,


Sorry for the late response. What we are seeing is inconsistency among users. I have users who have missed reviews of a supplier enquiry because it wasn't in their outstanding work for 3 days. Even if the users hadn't clicked the refresh button I would still have expected them to see it in the OW when they logged on the next morning. Can you confirm that this should in fact happen overnight?


On one occasion whilst working from home I received a call from a user who had been missing outstanding work items. I logged onto his account (using Chrome) and immediately saw a different OW list to what he had sent me minutes before. Once refreshed on my own machine he could then see his updated OW.


There's definitely something not right but I can't apply any consistency to it. Could it be the browser? As you know we are all very Microsoft oriented in here so we all use IE 11. The biggest concern I have is users thinking their OW has refreshed when in fact it hasn't and they start missing key tasks. A suggestion: could something be added to the home screen to tell the user the date/time their OW was last refreshed?


I've gone through our workspace lists and removed the functionality to update OW where it isn't required. We've minimised the transitions where we apply it and our condition scripts are nothing fancy and written as Autodesk consultants taught us.


I've already mentioned it in my previous post but the OW issues are the single biggest issue for us. Anything to improve it would be a great help.






Message 13 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Hi Jon, its not a problem at all. 😄 Yes i really wanted to be clear and confirm if its a perception of:
a) experience of a stale MOW list for users accessing it first thing in the morning or
b) incorrect MOW list even if user refreshes the list is the icon, regardless of when this is done.

Seems its a) from how i'm reading you, correct? To your question, I confirm that the MOW list is totally manually driven by users hitting its refresh button to see it updated ~ this is its native behavior actually and it does not automatically update overnight for over a year or longer now. I can try find out when we paused that to be exact but it has been a while now.

A little background ~ at the time, we attempted to enhance users' perception of performance at very least with their very first login in the morning so as to not wait for the list to calculate. We experimented with overnight MOW calculation for all tenants > all users > all items they have wf permissions to > all outgoing wf transitions od theirs~! This turned to be absolutely taxing and harming to our environment given the calculations rely heavily on running permutations of custom conditions scripts to truly determine should an item appear in someone's MOW list. Try imagine millions over millions of scripts running in backend all at once~! We concluded to not able to continue with this javascripted approach given the loads. Instead, we devised and specifies a new native product functionality we internally call 'dynamic groups' that should drastically reduce and in vast majority of use cases eliminate the need of scripting, thereby letting the backend do its work proper. Alas, this functionality is still on our roadmap; yet i'm very excited to be able to start it very soon given we are closing down on other corporate initiatives that we commit to deliver in the past couple of years ~ modern UI and cloud pdm to name the biggies. In summation, we acknowledge and recognize what we did was a bandaid for one time morning view of the MoW list, whereas intraday the list requires manual refresh by users ~ not an optimal system behavior. Having said that, we are discussing, researching and prototype ways to make the list constantly current without user interaction and without penalizing them to wait for it to reflect actual status. More to come on this.

Hope this helps understand the observations you see and clarify few things. Contact me in private if wish to discuss this further.

Best regards,

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 14 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Hi Jon, its not a problem at all. 😄 Yes i really wanted to be clear and confirm if its a perception of:
a) experience of a stale MOW list for users accessing it first thing in the morning or
b) incorrect MOW list even if user refreshes the list is the icon, regardless of when this is done.

Seems its a) from how i'm reading you, correct? To your question, I confirm that the MOW list is totally manually driven by users hitting its refresh button to see it updated ~ this is its native behavior actually and it does not automatically update overnight for over a year or longer now. I can try find out when we paused that to be exact but it has been a while now.

A little background ~ at the time, we attempted to enhance users' perception of performance at very least with their very first login in the morning so as to not wait for the list to calculate. We experimented with overnight MOW calculation for all tenants > all users > all items they have wf permissions to > all outgoing wf transitions od theirs~! This turned to be absolutely taxing and harming to our environment given the calculations rely heavily on running permutations of custom conditions scripts to truly determine should an item appear in someone's MOW list. Try imagine millions over millions of scripts running in backend all at once~! We concluded to not able to continue with this javascripted approach given the loads. Instead, we devised and specifies a new native product functionality we internally call 'dynamic groups' that should drastically reduce and in vast majority of use cases eliminate the need of scripting, thereby letting the backend do its work proper. Alas, this functionality is still on our roadmap; yet i'm very excited to be able to start it very soon given we are closing down on other corporate initiatives that we commit to deliver in the past couple of years ~ modern UI and cloud pdm to name the biggies. In summation, we acknowledge and recognize what we did was a bandaid for one time morning view of the MoW list, whereas intraday the list requires manual refresh by users ~ not an optimal system behavior. Having said that, we are discussing, researching and prototype ways to make the list constantly current without user interaction and without penalizing them to wait for it to reflect actual status. More to come on this.

Hope this helps understand the observations you see and clarify few things. Contact me in private if wish to discuss this further.

Best regards,

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 15 of 20
in reply to: gasevsm

Hello Martin,


The items the users see are the correct items, it just that they are not there when we would expect them to be there. It might take several refreshes or an overnight to get them to show up. I've also seen instances where the user hits the refresh button and it will whirl away all day without doing anything! Logging out then back in again seems to resolve this as well as refreshing their OW. We know that refreshing can take time but all day seems excessive... Again, it's inconsistent among users. I guess the concern I have that there may be users who think their list has updated but in fact it hasn't. 


For the user I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to try raising a few records against him and see if and when they appear in his outstanding work. I'll get in touch with you again by email rather then through the forum and let you know how I get on.




Message 16 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Ah you reminded me of something important I omitted, sorry. There was a very neat forum post reply from one of our customers just the other day writing how they were guided to reduce MoW calculations from >3min as I recall down to sub-minute by tweaking few admin things.

Nevertheless, the current architecture is limited so we have but few dials to work with. This may clarify further:

It has *always* been the case that IF the list does not refresh within the 5 minutes of last hitting its refresh button, then it will not refresh whatsoever until the load to calculate the list subsides.

What constitutes a load i.e. what makes it run over the 5 minutes threshold? Several things actually.. from does workspace
Really need to show its items in MoW list, through number of items involved in the calculations to the complexity of condition scripts.

Namely, although a user MoW list may result into a dozens to hundreds items shown, this is a result of processing condition scripts of all possible items users has wf permission to that are allowed to show in MoW lists, which could be several hundred thousands to millions to reach the final state. If you've gone through all the workspaces already making sure they truly need to have items show in MoW (workspace general settings 'show in MoW' checkbox on/off), the biggest penalizing factor is admins heavily relying on condition scripts logic by being less mindful whom they assign wf permission to for each wf state. My best advice would be to consider not creating a generic single wf permission and assign it it to every wf state and resort to scripting to check if userid should (not) execute a script. Noted, there is place for that use case too yet I most often see this done as a path to least resistance or habitual thing than really a necessity. I'm not saying you do this for I have some knowledge of your site actually, Jon. But the system evolves over time and complexities grow to Nth dimension. If you've been diligent as always to carefully think which wf permission does one wf state need and equally mindful of assigning those wf permissions only the the FLC roles and groups that truly need it (as opposed to what I generally see with other sites ~one to few generic wf permissions added to every role of every group), I would say you're on the right path.

If above is the case, I would look into the condition scripts complexity themselves. Here the task requires technical knowledge of JavaScript code optimization and really knowhow of (re)coding the same intent in a faster way.

Tell you what, I'll find that article I mentioned above. Try going through its steps and if you need further help, reach short and I and we can peek into the site. I'm not promising a silver bullet fix here, but certainly can take a look and discuss what can should be adjusted. Does this sound good?

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 17 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Ah you reminded me of something important I omitted, sorry. There was a very neat forum post reply from one of our customers just the other day writing how they were guided to reduce MoW calculations from >3min as I recall down to sub-minute by tweaking few admin things.

Nevertheless, the current architecture is limited so we have but few dials to work with. This may clarify further:

It has *always* been the case that IF the list does not refresh within the 5 minutes of last hitting its refresh button, then it will not refresh whatsoever until the load to calculate the list subsides.

What constitutes a load i.e. what makes it run over the 5 minutes threshold? Several things actually.. from does workspace
Really need to show its items in MoW list, through number of items involved in the calculations to the complexity of condition scripts.

Namely, although a user MoW list may result into a dozens to hundreds items shown, this is a result of processing condition scripts of all possible items users has wf permission to that are allowed to show in MoW lists, which could be several hundred thousands to millions to reach the final state. If you've gone through all the workspaces already making sure they truly need to have items show in MoW (workspace general settings 'show in MoW' checkbox on/off), the biggest penalizing factor is admins heavily relying on condition scripts logic by being less mindful whom they assign wf permission to for each wf state. My best advice would be to consider not creating a generic single wf permission and assign it it to every wf state and resort to scripting to check if userid should (not) execute a script. Noted, there is place for that use case too yet I most often see this done as a path to least resistance or habitual thing than really a necessity. I'm not saying you do this for I have some knowledge of your site actually, Jon. But the system evolves over time and complexities grow to Nth dimension. If you've been diligent as always to carefully think which wf permission does one wf state need and equally mindful of assigning those wf permissions only the the FLC roles and groups that truly need it (as opposed to what I generally see with other sites ~one to few generic wf permissions added to every role of every group), I would say you're on the right path.

If above is the case, I would look into the condition scripts complexity themselves. Here the task requires technical knowledge of JavaScript code optimization and really knowhow of (re)coding the same intent in a faster way.

Tell you what, I'll find that article I mentioned above. Try going through its steps and if you need further help, reach short and I and we can peek into the site. I'm not promising a silver bullet fix here, but certainly can take a look and discuss what can should be adjusted. Does this sound good?

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 18 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

Hi Martin,

Many thanks for the reply. I've now had a chance to digest it a bit and this makes a lot of sense. I guess we are guilty of writing condition scripts rather than creating multiple workflow permissions. Obviously we're quite far down the path of doing this so there would be considerable effort required to review and implement these changes.

Please forward the article you suggest so we can review.

Thanks again.


Jon Douglas
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Message 19 of 20
in reply to: jon_douglas

There is no guilty party here ;). An architecture that was fitting once is being challenged and is becoming outgrown by the increased load, demand and complexity of use cases ~ we acknowledge and devise plans to overhaul this area, enhancing the functionality to meet your need and add value generally.

Martin Gasevski | Fusion 360 Team Product Manager
Message 20 of 20
in reply to: gasevsm

One of our users hasn't been able to update their outstanding work for at least a week. After logging in through incognito mode (in-private browser on IE) and manually refreshing, a huge chunk of work popped up.


Just letting you know that this may be a temporary workaround for users experiencing similar problems.


Curious as to why it's worked this way, but wouldn't update on the standard browser?


I have no idea,



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