That space between my filename and version number (v1) is put there by Fusion, not me. The first time I tried what you said,
(1) I exported as a different name,
(2) then opened it and saved in my current design,
(3) then run explib, it appended a version number after a space!
So I found the file buried and ...appdata/Temp/Fusion..... and I removed the space (it was a LBR file). Then I ran explib again but this time chose that file which I just removed the space from. Then it worked !
So I tried again starting from 0, same steps. This time at step 3 , Fusion did not append a version number. I was expecting it to work, but it failed.

That is confusing.
I then started again, from my original "Schematic" (that's the name of it) and I tried explib again, directly (no exporting etc..) , this time there was no version number attached. That's weird, was there an update in the background ?
Anyway, I chose the Schematic LBR file. So below it ha been running for 10 minutes: I think it will fail again.
The one time it worked, it took less than 30 seconds