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Component "Replace" Operation Causes "Unexpected Condition" Error

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Component "Replace" Operation Causes "Unexpected Condition" Error

Something strange has happened. I have tried to replicate it. Our team has a library of LEDs. All library updates are still done in Eagle. I am the first one on our Team doing a production board in Fusion to test it out. This library was on version 51 when I had concluded my work Friday. Today (Monday) when I came into work, I started doing an update in Eagle to the library: adding a new footprint and then adding a new local package to the device.


I had noticed, when going to push my changes, that the library was out of date: my coworker had done something over the weekend. So, I updated my library with the latest changes, updating it to Version 54. My footprint I had created remained, but updating the library did overwrite my new local package I had created on the device. No worries; I recreated the local package, saved, and pushed the Library to Version 55.


Now come over to Fusion. My schematic has about 100 LEDs in it I had already placed Friday. These were on Version 51, as would be seen with the "Info" command. I updated the library in Fusion to the latest version: Version 55. As is normal, this does not update the components in the schematic yet, but only the local library files to the latest. Then I wanted to use the new footprint I had created. In the board layout, I right-clicked on my LED, did the Replace function, found my new package I had created (now referred to as "variants" in Fusion), and selected OK:




This popped up then:




Normal. So I clicked "Yes". After that, this error appeared in the bottom-right corner:




Using the "Info" command, I observed that my LEDs did update to indicate affiliation with Version 55 of the library. The one, singular LED that I had tried to perform the "Replace" on did have the new footprint. In my process of recreating this, in the schematic, the LED does reference the correct footprint and library Version 55. So everything seems like it should be linked up, and even the ERC seems happy:




I went onto the next LED and did a "Replace". I got the same error in the bottom-right corner. The schematic also shows this at the top:




Again, though, the ERC is still happy.


Now for the next LED, this time I try doing the "Replace" in the schematic rather than the board layout. It seemed to work okay. When I clicked "Run ERC to find differences and resolve them" in the layout, it switched to the schematic, and I saw this error:




This was not an error that caused a crash. I am able to close it. Closing out of this box, everything looks intact again, both on the layout and schematic.


I have experienced slight alterations of these odd behaviors and errors in performing these processes. I keep leaving things unsaved and then retrying. For example, trying all over again, this time I started by replacing an LED in the schematic with the one of the new footprint. I get the same error as the one immediately above. Here is the interesting thing: even if I replace an LED with the same variantstill get this error. Upon more experimentation, I just replaced an LED in the schematic with a different pad and now get:




Point in case, very abnormal behavior with "Replace". I do not know what to do. If I place down a new LED component and perform a "Replace" on it, that is fine: no errors. It is only those LEDs that were already preexisting I have issues with. However, I do notice after I added a new LED, the errors shown above went away, and instead I got an error that it was not in the layout:




I figure it did not add it to the layout since it thought the forward/backward annotation was severed. But how would adding an LED take away those other errors? My head is spinning 😛


Please help give me guidance. I had reverted my project back to a state from Friday, end of day, so when I load that electronic design ERC runs fine and everything. But I want to replace all of these LEDs with this new variant, and I am unsure how to do that now without these errors from wrecking everything.

Message 2 of 2

Hi @jvivianiTMAW9 ,


So sorry to hear that you're having trouble.

Do you minding sharing your Electronics file and the new version of the library file to us for investigating?

I will send private message to you later. 


Much appreciated!

Best regards,


Helen Chen
Principle QA for Fusion 360 Electronics

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