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Audomated electronics export

Message 1 of 4
265 Views, 3 Replies

Audomated electronics export

Is it possible to automate pdf generation of schematic and layer sets in Fusion? We want to have one export process which bundles pdfs, design files, 3d-model and manufacturing files in a zip, that we then can store in our PDM system.


It would be nice to be able to launch a custom python export script from Fusion.

Message 2 of 4

Hi Eric,  @erik.buerV95QJ 


Electronics has a script language that can execute all Electronics commands. It is possible to write a script that sets the layers and prints into PDF.  A script file is a simple text file and usually stored in your local ..\Documents\Fusion 360\scripts folder. 

Let me just add an example for printing schematic sheets:


EDIT .s1 ;

DISPLAY none Symbols Names Values; 

PRINT 1 -1 FILE output-sheet1.pdf; 

EDIT .s2 ;

DISPLAY none Symbols Names Values; 

PRINT -1 FILE output-sheet2.pdf



This prints sheet 1 and 2  with the mentioned layers visible into pdf files with scale =1 and page limit =1. The script file can be executed with AUTOMATE/Run Script in the schematic editor. 


The PRINT command has lots of options. I add a PDF with information to PRINT. 



Richard Hammerl

Message 3 of 4

Great, thanks!

I'll check out this scripting.
Are there any plans for adding python scripting functionality to fusion electronics?

- Erik

Message 4 of 4

Ok. I have tried out the scripting a bit, and have some comments.


  • Where do I find the documentation you attached?
  • All the exported pdfs appear as a single page. Is there any way of assembling a pdf of multiple paged. We want to have a pdf for assembly top and bottom on separate pages, but in the same pdf.
  • The scripts seems to only apply to the currently open window. Can a single script export both the schematic and the board?
  • When I use the write command, the files are stored in eagle format, but eagle won't open them (some error appears). Could we perhaps get a fusion file export in the future?
  • There doesn't seem to be a way of automating the Gerber/BOM export, nor saving the 3d model. Is there some way that I am unaware of?
  • Is it possible to enter print settings such as page size, landscape/portrait?



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