Is it possible to automate pdf generation of schematic and layer sets in Fusion? We want to have one export process which bundles pdfs, design files, 3d-model and manufacturing files in a zip, that we then can store in our PDM system.
It would be nice to be able to launch a custom python export script from Fusion.
Hi Eric, @erik.buerV95QJ
Electronics has a script language that can execute all Electronics commands. It is possible to write a script that sets the layers and prints into PDF. A script file is a simple text file and usually stored in your local ..\Documents\Fusion 360\scripts folder.
Let me just add an example for printing schematic sheets:
EDIT .s1 ;
DISPLAY none Symbols Names Values;
PRINT 1 -1 FILE output-sheet1.pdf;
EDIT .s2 ;
DISPLAY none Symbols Names Values;
PRINT -1 FILE output-sheet2.pdf
This prints sheet 1 and 2 with the mentioned layers visible into pdf files with scale =1 and page limit =1. The script file can be executed with AUTOMATE/Run Script in the schematic editor.
The PRINT command has lots of options. I add a PDF with information to PRINT.
Great, thanks!
I'll check out this scripting.
Are there any plans for adding python scripting functionality to fusion electronics?
- Erik
Ok. I have tried out the scripting a bit, and have some comments.
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