2D PCB layout is inverted from 3D PCB layout


2D PCB layout is inverted from 3D PCB layout


2d pcb.png

3d pcb.png


Good day.

I'm having an issue. I've created a model, and I am attempting to use the method where I create a sketch and push that to the PCB to create the 3D model, then create the 2D PCB so I can place my components. My goal is to be able to use the silkscreen tool to mark where the openings on the model are, so I can precisely place some of my LED's on the 2D PCB. When I follow the described process, the board layout on the 2D PCB is mirrored across the X axis for some reason. The 3D PCB looks normal. I am using the free for personal use license, so I cannot disable validators. when I try to place a component inside the board outline, it fails, but I can "place" it above the x axis, as if the board outlines were actually where they are supposed to be. See attached pictures for reference.


The component directly above the PCB in the 2D image is "placed", and I synced it to the 3D PCB, so you can see it is not on the board. I don't think I did anything wrong when I selected the origin and x-axis when creating the 3d pcb, because it looks right in reference to the model, but you can definitely see the 2d and 3d pcb are inverted from each other.

Recreating them is not a big deal. I already copied my schematic from another drawing, so there's no risk if I have to blow away these files and try again.

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies
Replies (5)


Hi @caithford,


If you are using the personal sizes limits then your board outline is in the wrong location in the 2D PCB. In the 2D PCB, your board outline should have it's bottom left corner at the origin. In the image above you have the TOP left corner on the origin.


The other thing you mention is the violators. You can disable the violator modes in the free version. Just make sure that you keep your components in the positive XY axes.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


Good afternoon Jorge,


  So I created a sketch in my 3d model, and used that sketch to create a 3D PCB. Then I pushed the 3D PCB to a 2D PCB, and it put the board outline in the -x,-y quadrant. I'm not sure why it did that? There doesn't seem to be an easy way to move the lines, or mirror them back to where they belong.


  Did I miss a process step?


  I'm not super worried about the violators, I can work around them. I was just concerned it put all my board outlines in an area I can't place components. I think you've explained why that is, and I can work with that. Is there an easy way to get my lines back in the x,y quadrant? Or do I need to go into each line and edit the line co-ordinates to remove the - sign?



Hi @caithford,


I hope you're doing well. So when you make the 3D PCB, you are given the option to specify the origin of the PCB and the X direction. It seems like when you made the 3D PCB you didn't specify these. You should be able to edit the 3D PCB and adjust those definitions. You can do this from the timeline by write clicking the 3D PCB and then selecting edit PCB. You'll see the options in the dialog.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,



Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


Hey @caithford ! 


Thanks so much for contributing to the forums. I'm super interested to hear more about your post and wondering what we can do to better help your orient yourself between the 2D and 3D PCB views. I'll reach out to you now over DM, I'd love to jump on a quick call to discuss. 


Best regards, 



Melisa Kaner
Product Manager - Fusion Electronics. Please DM me for Fusion Electronics feedback!



Hey Jorge,


  I believe I did set an origin and an x-axis, but I may not have done it correctly. I will try different orientations to see if I can get a different result. I also learned that I need to learn more about pcb design to begin with, so it's not a huge priority for me anymore. So thank you for your help, and have a great week.



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