I've taken a good long look and your assembly and have restructured it. Trying to simulate the physics of this asembmly is not what you want to do if I understand it correctly. You just want to see the sliding motion of the ladder along the rails.
You've diligently first created components and then activated them with the exception of the first one. I've tried to roll back the timeline to correct that but ran into troubles. However, with a littel workaround you can still correct that.
I simply rolled the timeline back to after the first combine action and deleted everyhing after it.
Then I deleted the empty component that you forgot to activate whe you first started the design and seaved the design as "ladder". Then I can re-import it into another design and have a nicely structured component.
Your assembly does not have many parts but still, it's not a bad idea to determine what can be assemblies and subassemblies. This will keep the Browser lean and helps navigating it.
I created a Ladder assembly that contains the ladder component and a Bearing Block assembly. the bearing Block assembly contains the Bearing Block and the wheel.
Lok at the attached firle and see if that makes sense. Agan, you don;t have to do it that way - I don't always do this either - but in experience a desings approag the stage of completetion, they keep accumulating parts.Nuts, Bols, etc.
As such it heps to think a littel ahead in terms of what canbe an assembly and subassembly etc.
I deleted als the joints that you had in your design and completely re-assembled it. With the exception of one joint I choose to make all other joints rigid. Unless you really want to simulate the rolling motion of the wheels ther is not reason to give it a revolute joint. Giving it a rigid joint is actually of advantage in this design as you'll see in a moment.
The only moveable joint you really need to simulate the horizontal ovement of the ladder is one sliding joint.
Here is where it helps to use a rigid joint for the wheel as I am using it's profile sketch to create the sliding joint betwen the ladder assembly and the top rail.
I greated a little screencast on how to greate that joint as it's easier to show than to explain.
The re-structured assembly is also attached for yu to study.