Hi @biggi_sonea
Sorry to hear that you are having some trouble with our title blocks.
The font in your document settings is for the dimensions and tables on a drawing, not the title block. If edit the title block, you can edit the font for each attribute shown.
Regarding attributes; There are 2 types, a standard attribute (reads info from the model) and a custom attribute, which is effectively placeholder text. Title_1 - reads the title info from the model. Title_2 & Title_3 are placeholders, they are there for you to add additional info.

RE sketching and "wonkyness", this is certainly and are of the product that I'd like to improve, but it's going to take some time, so please bear with us. For now, I'd suggest using "Snap to grid" in the sketch settings, also rectangles are quite helpful too.
I'd love to hear from you directly, and to get your thoughts around this. If you're up for it, here is a link to my calendar, please book a 30-minute session with me, and we can chat on Zoom (Note that times are in 24:00 format so 03:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm). Or if a good old-fashioned email is more your style, feel free to ping me Clint. Brown {a} Autodesk.com