@Anonymous wrote:
Delete Don't work for me 😞
(Error message : DeleteFace1 : Compute Failed)
I'm able to open "edit feature" and see my 0.5mm fillet,
but can't "remove selection" because that hide the "ok" button
and can't set it to 0.0mm
1. If you received that error message, then you probably have made something dependent upon that fillet further down stream in the time line. So if you delete the fillet face, whatever was dependent on it can no longer be calculated.
2. Instead of selecting the fillet face and hitting deleting that, you want to select the fillet FEATURE from your time line, and instead of editing it, delete it.
3. Of course you can't edit a fillet and set it's value to zero. In the same way that you can't create a new fillet feature with a value of zero, it just doesn't make sense.