I would strongly recommend that you do the embedded tutorials in the Fusion Documentation and also some of the
Self-Paced Learning to help you to learn fusion faster and better. They can be found here:

It is also much easier for the forum to help you if you attach your file AND a screenshot of what you want to achieve
and what the problem is. You can create a file to export like this:

Time spent on the tutorials and self paced learning will not be wasted. Also check out the three RULES that are pinned to the forum for further guidance.
Your model is very impressive but I have extreme doubts that it is what you actually need to
fabricate. It certainly will not work in it's present form of over 450 individual components that
have been MOVED and not Joined together. If you ask fusion to fabricate this in its present form
what you will get is those 450 individual components cut out as a bunch of plates and no more.
If your intention was to CNC this as a model then it will simply fail.
What is your actual design intention? Are you actually going to fabricate each of these components
and join them together somehow? Are you intending to CNC or 3D print the finished model? What
is this design actually going to be used for?
Right now all you have is a bunch of components hanging in space that are not joined together
in any way. I can randomly select any one and drag it wherever.

Using the Move command does NOT join components together or lock their position down. It also
will hugely affect performance of fusion. The Move command exists and has a useful function
under the right circumstances but rarely should be used. Most beginners get it completely wrong
and that is what has happened here.
Not one of you sketches is fully defined and this may cause huge problems later if you try to
fabricate this model.
You are not using the Timeline correctly. If you made a mistake it is impossible to go back in time
and modify or fix the problem. Beginners should not be scared of using the timeline. It is one of
the most useful functions of fusion.
Why didn't you use the Origin correctly? Your Component tree implies that you use the Mirror
command sometime - good, but what did you use as the mirror plane? You already have three
planes provided as standard, why not use them?
You are probably not going to want to hear this, but if you actually want to fabricate this model
by either CNC, 3d print or folded sheet metal then the best way to go about it will probably be
to start again. It may be possible to save this model but you are going to have to create at least
450 As Built Joints. I can see better ways to create this depending upon how you want to fabricate
this model.
I would strongly advise you read the documentation and do the embedded tutorials and give the
Self Paced Learning a go. Time spent on this is NEVER wasted. You seem to have a good general
grasp of the software but you have some very bad habits that the sooner they are broken the better.