There are 2 problems here.
And it is not my language or my attitude.
The first is the training on Sketch is inadequate, which is where most people start.
I watched the training on Sketch, it really did not help me.
Second, when I have a problem and I get a response back telling me I should try something simpler, that is an inappropriate response.
I often work at night, I am almost completely self-taught, and it is very hard to grasp the actions performed or necessitated by some downstream parameter you may not even need to consider.
Here is a question: Exactly what are sketch points?
Why do they always appear when there is an arc?
If you can hide them, what real purpose do they serve?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a FIXED vs ADAPTIVE grid?
Here is another problem.
If you want SNAP to GRID and place a line, it snaps to the grid fine.
Place a line with an origin on that line, it no longer snaps to grid. Why?
Why would anybody want it to operate that way?
I get halfway through my sketch and I have all these lines off grid. It may or may not matter, that isn't the point.
I don't want to sit on my own and try to figure out whether I have done something wrong or whether it matters.
If you select a group of objects and right-click, what immediately pops up in the circular menu, MOVE/COPY, but further down in the menu is another COPY. The operations are not really the same, however.
This is just a complete failure of the training to cover the UI.
Figuratively speaking, I don't want to run down the street, bug my neighbor, and hope he is home. And also have to worry whether I have disturbed his serenity.
Which is exactly what these forums feel like.
As I said, the training on SKETCH sketch is thoroughly inadequate. probably an assumed knowledge they don't really feel a need to cover.
Here is a UI problem.
Say for example you highlight the toolbar area "CREATE".
If you click in the upper half of the highlighted area the action of the pop-up menu is very unpredictable.
If you click in the lower half of the highlighted area it pops up and stays up.
Let me explain something
Why am I even using FUSION.
Because I struggled for years to get proficient with Eagle. Now you can't get Eagle without buying FUSION.
I thought I would give it a try.
If I have to struggle with this, I am going to vent here.
I don't want to climb Mount Everest so I can look down on everybody who hasn't made the trip.