Fusion 360 will not launch


Fusion 360 will not launch

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When I attempt to open Fusion 360 I keep getting an error message. I get the splash screen then I have an error message over the top of it and it locks up. The error message says
C:/users/ed/appdata/local/autodesk/webplay/production/8a3277547d9773e732603a2421ef122443b08/win64/adcer webbrowser.exe: path does not exist.

I have already tried a fresh install and got same message.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you
2 Replies
Replies (2)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous,


Welcome to the Fusion 360 Community!


A lot of times when we see this message, this is because anti-virus or firewall has removed this executable file as it suspects it is malicious. If possible can you check these programs and see if this file was quarantined there as well as allow Fusion to be white-listed?


One quick fix would be to delete your webdeploy folder and then reinstall Fusion from this link here as it will reinstall the webdeploy folder with the executable back in it. When you go to run the installer, right-click it and select Run as Administrator. Since Fusion will auto-launch a good test would be to keep the folder open and launch Fusion. Does the file just seem to remove itself? If so, something on your computer is not allowing that executable to be run, thus removing it. 


The webdeploy folder is located at:




Let me know if you need any help!



James Youmatz
Product Insights Specialist for Fusion 360, Simulation, Generative Design

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Thank you for your quick response.  I will post up once I check it out further. 

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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