Thanks for this, and a big thanks to @prainsberry for contributing.
I've been on a similar quest.... Searching for a way to putout to dxf, but with medium complicated outputs. The best I could get to last time was exporting sketches using a plugin. It works but its quite cumbersome for what I'm trying to do.
See this discussion, where the codes are posted
Also, I note there is some kind of dxf export in the unfolded sheet metal part of the December 2017 update, which is what got me back on to this, but I'm struggling to find it. I think it only exists in unfold space?
I'm going to play about with this new DXFer add-in. From your you tube video it looks like it outputs faces to DXF? What would be so useful (well, for me at least) is a slight development of this, where by the user can select LINES (similar to "project" in a sketch, but more than one at a time!), then export them to a given DXF layer (where the name can be defined, Say one could be etch @ this depth, one etch @ this depth, one could be cut, one could be pocket etc). And this is stored in the time line, so you can add and remove lines from the selection, and change user parameters prior to export.
I thought this might work using the CAM workspace and creating some kind of 0 cutting tool for a dxf post. I tried a few things but could not get it to work. I hoped this method might work because you have to define the axis first, which I guess is needed at some point if lines are selected not faces?
I also tried using selection sets to group all the lines I need in a given dxf layer, but this also did not work.
If any one has any thoughts on this do please let me know