Corrupt file - Can not open file


Corrupt file - Can not open file


I am in big trouble because a very important file can not be opened. I can not promote and open old versions from the last few days. It seems as if the files have been kurupte after installing the June update.
The files does not appear with a proper ikon in the A360 and it is not possible to view the file in A360.

I realy hope my data is safe in the cloud. If my data is lost, it will be a disaster.


I have attached "".




Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 09.17.27.png



















Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 09.29.30.png




Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 09.51.26.png













20150623T095128 E Corrupt File - The file you are trying to open or operate is corrupt! The current operation will be aborted. - File name: Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d
20150623T095128 E Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok
20150623T095128 E A360 Error Message - Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok - Click here to view error message.
20150623T095128 I Time Taken: 0.62555799999999995
20150623T095128 I End: Open the Document with Lineage URI : urn:adsk.wipdata:lineage:65BLKzQHSeGuGtCWUj4p_g
20150623T095129 D CreateNewDocTask::onExecute
20150623T095129 D CreateNewDocTask executed: NewDocumentCommand
20150623T095143 I Begin: Open the Document with Lineage URI : urn:adsk.wipdata:lineage:65BLKzQHSeGuGtCWUj4p_g
20150623T095144 E Corrupt File - The file you are trying to open or operate is corrupt! The current operation will be aborted. - File name: Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d
20150623T095144 E Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok
20150623T095144 E A360 Error Message - Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok - Click here to view error message.
20150623T095144 I Time Taken: 0.60469799999999996
20150623T095144 I End: Open the Document with Lineage URI : urn:adsk.wipdata:lineage:65BLKzQHSeGuGtCWUj4p_g
20150623T095144 D CreateNewDocTask::onExecute
20150623T095144 D CreateNewDocTask executed: NewDocumentCommand
20150623T095145 E MessageBox Error: Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok
20150623T095200 I Begin: Open the Document with Lineage URI : urn:adsk.wipdata:lineage:65BLKzQHSeGuGtCWUj4p_g
20150623T095200 E Corrupt File - The file you are trying to open or operate is corrupt! The current operation will be aborted. - File name: Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d
20150623T095200 E Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok
20150623T095200 E A360 Error Message - Could not open file: /Users/boldsen/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/TQMPME87NF9N/W.login/F/Trafik-lanterne.1e6d6fef-5869-4f80-b865-cd806cc2c300.f3d, Version Number: 91, Error message: Ok - Click here to view error message.

Accepted solutions (1)
12 Replies
Replies (12)


I have just spent the last few hours reconstructing from an older version. 5 - 7 of my versions were corrupted, but I found an older one there was ok.
This means that I do not having problems working and I have not lost any data.

But to be sure that this does not happen to me or other users, it might be interesting to find out how the error occurred. It may be related to a problem with the June update and my uninstall of ExactFlat Online.


My post from yesterday - Problems installing the new update:


Community Manager
Community Manager


We are investigating this issue and need to get some data from you for analysis.

Can you go to A360 and export the last good version as well as 2 of the bad versions and send those F3Ds to me? Or invite me to the project to take a look.






Hi there.


I guess I ran into the same issue, but in my case I wasn't able to recover older versions 😞 ...


Since I'm beginner, I was storing several copies of my clock design in the "demo project" folder. Later I tryed to organize my projects by moving files into other projects. After that none of my files could be opened again, and a similar error message appeares.


Maybe a week of work is lost. This would be the link to my latest design:

Let me know, if log-files or anything else is needed - I would be really grateful, if my designs could be recovered.






Not applicable

I ran into the same issue  6 of my versions were corrupted. I did the update 2 days ago and all the versions saved with the June update are corrupted. I  also found an older vertion that works  but this one is with the previews update. so I have lost 5 days of data.  


this may be  a problem with the June update cus all my files saved with this ubdate corrupted



Not applicable

I'm having the same problem.  I've tried loading from the website, loading other versions from the website, etc.  Nothing works. 

I've even gone as far as manually saving (renaming) one of the source files in ~/Library/ then uploading it to my online project folder.  Then tried loading it back into F360, same error.  So it seems as though there is something corrupt about all the versions of this file?



Hi charegb


I have invited you to my project / file.

Version 84 - 91 is corrupted. Version 83 was the last version that was not corrupted. I think this file is from before the June update. I used this file to reconstruct the project (version 92 - 100).

It is very obvious in A360 to distinguish which files are corupted or not. As you can see on the attached screenshot, the corrupted files has no icon of the design and can not be displayed in the viewer.


Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 08.47.52.png





I just got the same error:


Fusion 360
Could not open file: C:/Users/<Username>/AppData/Local/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/DZM6PWT5533Z/W.login/F/OLED Board 2.443d3ba5-f1a8-4437-9681-2348f127659a.f3d, Version Number: 4, Error message: Ok


I can't recover any version of my file. All showing created NaN minutes ago, with previews for all but the most recent version.


Not applicable

This is soooo frustrating....! 


All the models I have been working on today are not corrupted and cant be opened due to this issue.
When I first got this problem today I thought it might just be a coincident so I rolled back in the history (and lost 3 hours of work) Now when I have remodeled everything I lost and a lot more I get the problem again... Fusion freezes and I have to force quick the program, after that I can not open the fil, and when I go to the history the only one I can role back to is the same one as I started from before. (the images of the others is grey = not working)


Will you be able to safe my files? 

There is no point in continuing if the program dont safe the work you do...

Please help!



Community Manager
Community Manager
Accepted solution

Hey all, we have a fix coming:

Keqing Song
Autodesk Fusion Community Manager
Portland, Oregon, USA

Become an Autodesk Fusion Insider

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Not applicable

MAC users...


For those who can't wait for the quality update... I have now switch to the windows version and it seems like this is not suffering form the same bug - I can now save my work and the cloud updates (with a thumbnail images, meaning it has been registered and it can be reopened).

So if you have this opportunity you will still be able to get some modeling done today 🙂



Seems to have the same error message (@6 nov. 2015) after trying to save a Design with assembled components (see error message saving). I tried to open a single component and the error message appeared like showed in the attachment. After restarting Fusion it didn't save my last changes but the previous versions are still accessible and no corrupted versions are appeared. 



Hi @Remy18,


It looks there are two issues here. One is saving files - this one is logged internally as UP-21874. This could be due to that fact that your temp folder is a non-ASCII path, redirected to a network drive, or in a non-writable location. Also perhaps you have utilities that are regularly cleaning up your tmp folder? You can type in %TEMP% in Windows Explorer to check that.


For the open issue, can you please send your diagnostic logs to saket dot satta at autodesk dot com so I could investigate the problem? 



Saket Satta

Fusion 360 Development

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