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Confused about updating a component that is used in an assembly

Message 1 of 7
215 Views, 6 Replies

Confused about updating a component that is used in an assembly


I'm on the free version of Fusion 360 and I've attached the top assembly of my design and a screen shot of a problem area I'm trying to fix.


I have a component hierarchy. The part in error is a bottom level component that is used twice in a parent assemble that is now a rigid body and that parent has a parent where it is used twice and is now part of a rigid body.


As shown in the attached screen shot, the S3 Well 1 Side is the wrong size and I'd like to extend the front face forward to the edge of the S3 Well 1 Top/Bottom.


I can't edit in place because of the free version. I can't seem to modify the bottom component (was trying push/pull tool but I can't select the face on the middle assembly). For some reason the body seems to be missing from the bottom component (but it doesn't seem to be in other components like this one)? I'd rather not break all the links if there is no way to restore them??


My fall back plan is to:

1) Remove the A2 S3 Well 1 components from A1 Diffractal rigid body and then delete them.

2) Remove the S3 Well 1 Side components from A2 S3 Well 1 and them delete them.

3) Delete the body from S3 Well 1 Side (It's already missing ??)

4) Modify the sketch in S3 Well 1 Side to the correct dimension.

5) Re-extrude the S3 Well 1 Side, then added back to A2 S3 Well 1 and make a rigid body, and then add A2 S3 Well 1 back into A1 Diffractal and make a rigid body.


I'm hoping someone will tell me there is an easier way...


P.S. - I created the screen shot on window 10 with Ctl+PrtScr, pasted that into power point, exported a pdf, and attached that to this post as a file. I tried just pasting it in the body of this post, but it didn't render in the edit window (perhaps it would have if I posted it but I didn't want to have to try to fix that after the fact and there was a problem). Is there an easier way? 

Message 2 of 7
in reply to: ripberger

I have not had a chance to look at the design yet, but I'm pretty confident that Edit in Place is available for the Personal entitlement.  If that is not working, then something else must be a problem.

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 3 of 7
in reply to: ripberger

Screen shot below says I need a subscription.

Message 4 of 7
in reply to: ripberger

OK, sorry about that.  That is news to me, and did not show up here:   Shows what I know...

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 5 of 7
in reply to: ripberger

I see the pdf's don't display either - so trying to paste a screen show here...




Ah - it rendered !!


So if no, edit in place, any other options?

Message 6 of 7
in reply to: ripberger

I took a look at the design.  It does not seem to match the PDF you shared.  The top-level design does not seem to contain a reference to "S3 Well 1 Side" at all.

Screen Shot 2021-03-20 at 8.16.25 AM.png


When I opened that component, its body seemed to be fine:

Screen Shot 2021-03-20 at 8.18.42 AM.png


Regarding how to fix this, if "S3 Well 1 Side" is the wrong size, I would just open that design, change its size, save and close, update to the latest version of it, and then join it to other components with a Rigid Joint (I would not use Rigid Group, because that does not create a relationship to any model geometry).  I'm not sure you'd need steps 1-3 in your description

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 7 of 7
in reply to: jeff_strater

That all worked as expected.


I was confused because ...

   - I didn't see the bodies on the bottom component.

  - I didn't know that if I edited the sketch it would update the body (initially I tried to do another extrude on the sketch and that is when the bodies showed up again and there were two now - but the original one was the correct size so I deleted the second one I created).

- Once that was updated, just needed to get latest version of component in parent, reposition them to the correct place, make rigid body, and then update parent's parent.


Thanks Jeff!!!

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