Hi Marin - I received your PM, many thanks! I did a search and didn’t find any Fusion 360 crash reports attached to your email address. Might it be possible to try submitting another one? And when the report is submitted, if you see the report ID number mentioned in your web browser (CER_XXXXXXXX), would it be possible to send that to me as well? That would be a big help, thanks!
Regarding news on this issue – it’s still being investigated I’m afraid. The problem appears to be isolated to specific machine environments, and we’re trying to track down what exactly triggers this problem. One thing it might be worth trying is to shut down all other Autodesk applications (including Autodesk Sync) before opening Fusion 360. If this makes a difference for anyone experiencing this issue, that would be very interesting to know.
Thanks, and apologies again for the trouble this is causing some of you, we’re trying to get this resolved asap.
Kind regards,
Jake Fowler
Principal Experience Designer
Fusion 360