Cannot delete objects


Cannot delete objects

Not applicable

Dear support team,


Just installed the software on a Mac Powerbook I7, 16GB RAM with 512 SSD and albeit it looks easy, I find it quite hard or even impossible to use after the first 5m of excitement.


Installation was messy, the software didn't show up and I had to manually look for the program to create a shortcut to be able to actually launch it.


One particular and pretty terrible issue that makes the software unusable is that I can't delete objects at all and each time get an error message.


for example, I create a cylinder, select it and try to delete it via right click and selecting delete and all I get is the message "error delete face 1", "compute failed", "the operation could not heal the edited region of the model". 


In addition, each time I leave the fusion window, to type this message, the error message disappeares,


Very frustrating


thank you for advising

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Accepted solutions (1)
2 Replies
Replies (2)

Accepted solution

The problem is you've selected a single face not the body, Fusion tries to heal bodies if you delete a face but can't with a cylinder so you get an error, in the model workspace the result must be a closed volume. Fusion is not a toy you can just jump into, do yourself a favor and do some of the introduction tutorials.


Learn how to sketch first then model and give up on the primitive shapes if you're going to design anything at all intricate.


Start here tutorial.


Main help sketching.



Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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Not applicable

thanks mark, sorry for that stupid question. I figured it out in the meanwhile. thank you for the reply.


I'll have a better one, soon.





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