I am sure you are eyewateringly competent in your line of work!
Unfortunately and very clearly you are not so well acquainted with license cost for main stream CAD software.
Please, go and do some research on prices. I have and constantly do!
It matters not how inexpensive a license is in your line of work. I wish that would be the case with CAD and other Engineering software, but that simply isn't the reality.
At $495 for an annual subscription and for the features include Fusion 360 for many users is an absolute killer deal!
many companies and users don't need and ever use the full feature set SolidWorks or Autodesk Inventor offer.
AutoCAD is not a competitive product to Fuiosn360 or any of the software packages I have named earlier.
While doing that research, please also try to figure out what an Autodesk Expert Elite is. I have included a link for your convenience.
Another bit or research you can do is the following. Autodesk is a publicly traded company and has top provide annual reports and also does quarterly reports. Again, there's a link for your convenience. Pick one, say the 2023 Q3 presentation and turn to page 5.
I quote:
"Fusion 360 total subscriptions increased
to 211k and demand for extensions
continues to grow at an exceptional
pace "
Then do that same thing going back a few years. Clearly, Autodesk is listening to some customers and doing something correctly, because otherwise Fusion 360 would not be nearly as successful as it currently is.
If you need any other help with basic research or Fusion 360, let me know.