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2 seperate bodies without join move together

Message 1 of 7
3252 Views, 6 Replies

2 seperate bodies without join move together

I've tried to figure this out over the course of this day but couldn't, the problem is weird


I've created 2 bodies on top of eachother (they touch as one was created on face of the other) they are completely separate otherwise so

no joins or joints and they are listed as 2 seperate bodies. But when i try to move one component away from the other with the move tool, it first seems to work (while in the move tool)  but then the bottom part moves up to join the moved part after i confirm the move in the tool.


I tried moving one of the bodies to a component but the other one moves to the component with it, what to do?

I've also tried splitting the bodies on the face where they touch, also no luck.


Any help is appreciated, thanks.



EDIT: Screenshots might help to see what the problem is like and all parts are in seperate components except for those 2




Message 2 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

The seperate bodies are indeed separate however they share geometry as one is build of or on the dimensions and position of the other.
Only way to do it is by turning that specific body into a component and then move it or/and add joints.
Message 3 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

I tried moving one body to the component, but the other body automatically goes to that component with it, so then I have 2 bodies in this one component

I fixed it by deleting the top body, putting the bottom one into a component then re-sketched the top part on a constructed plane, thanks for you answer though!
Message 4 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

Do NOT move the body.

Select body, right click and then create compontents from bodies.

Message 5 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

I'm sorry I misexplained what I did, I rightclicked and created component from bodies just as you say, but it made both bodies be in(move to) the newly created component while just one of them was selected. This is what was weird to me. Nonetheless I fixed the problem by deleting one of the bodies making a component from the first body and then redrawing the second body into another new component. Thanks again for you comments
Message 6 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

In general this workflow:  Sketch -> Body -> Component  is not recommended.

The workflow below aheres to Fusion 360's R.U.L.E #1: Before doing anything, create a comonent and make sure it is activated.


Component (active) -> Sketch -> Body


This will create all objects such as sketches, bodies, construction geometry, joint origins, etc. in that component.

If you want to edit another component to add sketches, geometry etc. activate it before doing so.

You'll notice that when activating a component , that the timeline will be fltered to only show those items that pertain to that component.

Exporting a component to the data panel (save as) to be in it's own design will then export the component with its complete design history. With the first workflow, only the "dumb"  body is exported.


Left-clicking on an object in the viewport once selects a body. Double-left clicking will select the component.

Rarely does a body need to be moved in a component at least in a common mechanical engineering design.


Message 7 of 7
in reply to: TrippyLighting

Thanks! By learning the R.U.L.E. #1 through the forum in several places I've fixed al my problems (so far)

I Just have to say coming from solidworks, the workflow with the component first could've been explained while booting the program the first couple of times, I think it would save you guys from having to answer similar questions all the time (like mine) Especially if its called R.U.L.E #1, it seems like Fusion should tell you to do that before you even begin building/sketching.

The program itself is very intuitive and userfriendly so much so that i didn't feel the need to do the tutorial as I imagine several other people did as well. I think that's what might be causing most of these RULE#1 issues.

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