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Is a curve Reverted or not?!

Message 1 of 6
644 Views, 5 Replies

Is a curve Reverted or not?!

Hi, hope you're doing great!

I'm creating a 2D Contour operation for my setup, via the api, while making use of the ChainSelection class. As input geometry there's an object collection containing B-Rep Edges. There is a method of the ChainSelection class called set_isReverted in which you can specify if the curve you imported is reverted or not, but I cannot seem to figure out a way to determine if it's reverted or not. I've tried using the get_isParamReversed method of the B-Rep Face class (for the face I'm trying to cut) which returns a boolean and is then used as input parameter for the set_isReverted method, but that doesn't seem to generate proper results. 

If anyone can specify when a curve or edge is reverted please let me know!

Also, it seems like it only depends on Fusion's guess to determine if a curve is Reverted or not.



Message 2 of 6
in reply to: echatzief

I don't have personal experience with this and am guessing, but I assume you need to look at the start and end vertices of the edges you're using are connected in a way where the end of once connects to the start of the next one. If you have an end that connects to an end then it would need to be reverted. You can get the start and end vertices from an edge by using its startVertex and endVertex properties. But I could be misintrepting what this property is intended to do.

Brian Ekins
Inventor and Fusion 360 API Expert
Message 3 of 6
in reply to: echatzief

Hi @echatzief -San.


I believe this is probably a continuation of this one. 


I came up with the idea this morning to use the outer product of the tangent of the outer edge of the target and the normal of the surface to make the determination.
It is long, but it is the is_outside function that is directly making the determination.


# Fusion360API Python script

import traceback
import adsk.core as core
import adsk.fusion as fusion
import as cam

def run(context):
    ui: core.UserInterface = None
        app: core.Application = core.Application.get()
        ui = app.userInterface

        camObj: cam.CAM = get_cam_product()

        # setup
        setup: cam.Setup = get_setup(camObj)
        if not setup: return

        # axisZ
        axisZ: core.Vector3D = core.Vector3D.create(0,0,1)

        # tool
        tool: cam.Tool = camObj.documentToolLibrary[0]

        # body
        prm: cam.CAMParameter = setup.parameters.itemByName("job_model")
        body: fusion.BRepBody = list(prm.value.value)[0]

        # get target faces
        faces = get_planer_face(

        # create pocket2d
        for face in faces:
            create_pocket2d(setup, tool, face)

        # generate

        if ui:

def create_pocket2d(
    setup: cam.Setup,
    tool: cam.Tool,
    face: fusion.BRepFace,
) -> None:
    input: cam.OperationInput = setup.operations.createInput('pocket2d')
    input.tool = tool  

    edges = get_outer_loop_edges(face)
    edge: fusion.BRepEdge = edges[0]

    contourParam: cam.CadContours2dParameterValue = input.parameters.itemByName(

    curveSelections: cam.CurveSelections = contourParam.getCurveSelections()
    chain: cam.CurveSelection = curveSelections.createNewChainSelection()
    chain.isReverted = is_outside(face, edge)
    chain.inputGeometry = [edge]



def is_outside(
    face: fusion.BRepFace,
    edge: fusion.BRepEdge,
) -> bool:

    startPnt: core.Point3D = edge.startVertex.geometry

    eva: core.CurveEvaluator3D = edge.evaluator
    _, prm = eva.getParameterAtPoint(startPnt)

    tangent: core.Vector3D = None
    _, tangent = eva.getTangent(prm)

    normal: core.Vector3D = get_normal(face)

    vec: core.Vector3D = normal.crossProduct(tangent)

    pnt: core.Point3D = startPnt.copy()

    tmpMgr: fusion.TemporaryBRepManager = fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()
    faceBody: fusion.BRepBody = tmpMgr.copy(face)

    res: fusion.PointContainment = faceBody.pointContainment(pnt)
    return res == fusion.PointContainment.PointOutsidePointContainment

def get_outer_loop_edges(
    face: fusion.BRepFace
) -> list[fusion.BRepEdge]:
    loop: fusion.BRepLoop = None
    for loop in face.loops:
        if loop.isOuter:
            return list(loop.edges)

    return None

def get_normal(
    face: fusion.BRepFace
) -> core.Vector3D:

    normal: core.Vector3D = face.geometry.normal
    if face.isParamReversed:

    return normal

def get_planer_face(
    body: fusion.BRepBody,
    axisZ: core.Vector3D,
) -> list[fusion.BRepFace]:
    face: fusion.BRepFace = None
    return [face for face in body.faces
            if is_target_face(face, axisZ)]

def is_target_face(
    face: fusion.BRepFace,
    axisZ: core.Vector3D,
) -> bool:
    if face.geometry.objectType != core.Plane.classType():
        return False

    normal: core.Vector3D = get_normal(face)

    return axisZ.isEqualTo(normal)

def get_setup(camObj: cam.CAM) -> cam.Setup:
    setups: cam.Setups = camObj.setups
    if setups.count < 1:
        return None
    return setups[0]

def get_cam_product() -> cam.CAM:
    app: core.Application = core.Application.get()

    return app.activeProduct

def activete_cam_env() -> None:
    app: core.Application = core.Application.get()
    ui: core.UserInterface = app.userInterface

    camWS: core.Workspace = ui.workspaces.itemById('CAMEnvironment') 



I have been able to successfully determine this with some modifications to your sample model, but I have not tested it enough and may find a counterexample.

There may be an easier way to determine this.

Message 4 of 6
in reply to: echatzief

hi, did anybody find a way to determine the isReverted value. I have been puzzling for 2 days now and havent gotten anywhere. The code above did not have satisfactory results. I have tried getting the face normal, and returning the X and Y (if getting the face normal, either x or y should be either 1 or -1(sideface), right? maybe I am wrong on that...)

Message 5 of 6
in reply to: Josh3GG88

This is an adaptation of the suggestion by @kandennti above. I've adapted it to work for closed profiles on the XY axis. Hopefully, someone else finds this useful.

def isReverse(chainSelection):
	# use a temporary BRepManager to create a face from the chain curves
	tmpMgr :fusion.TemporaryBRepManager = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()
	chainCurves = [c.geometry for c in chainSelection.value]

		(wire, _) = tmpMgr.createWireFromCurves(chainCurves)
		face = tmpMgr.createFaceFromPlanarWires([wire])

		# analyze the first curve in the chain; it determines the direction of the chain
		sketchCurve = chainSelection.value[0]
		curve = sketchCurve.geometry
		eval :adsk.core.CurveEvaluator3D = curve.evaluator
		(_, startParameter, _) = eval.getParameterExtents()
		(_, startPt) = eval.getPointAtParameter(startParameter)

		tangent: core.Vector3D = None
		(_, tangent) = eval.getTangent(startParameter)

		normal: core.Vector3D = core.Vector3D.create(0, 0, 1) # we're always on the XY plane

		vec: core.Vector3D = normal.crossProduct(tangent)

		perpendicularPt: core.Point3D = startPt.copy()

		res: fusion.PointContainment = face.pointContainment(perpendicularPt) # 0 = inside, 1 = on, 2 = outside
		# log(f'Point containment: {res}')
		return res != fusion.PointContainment.PointOutsidePointContainment # if the point is not outside, the chain is reverse configuration
		log('Error when determining Profile direction.')
		_ui.messageBox('Error when determining Profile direction. Do you have an overlap?')
		return False
Message 6 of 6
in reply to: echatzief

Hi Fellows,


Consider the following snippet of code, supplementing it with the relevant excerpts from the API reference.

interBodycoEdges  = brepLoop.coEdges
for coEdge in interBodycoEdges:
    if  coEdge.isOpposedToEdge:
        # do_what_is_needed
    if  coEdge.isParamReversed:
        # do_what_is_needed



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