1. Generate sketches on activated componen(s).
2. The FusionMoveCommand is called to freely move the component(s one after another).
3. The generated sketches will be deleted.
Any help would be great.
My code:
import os
from ...lib import fusion360utils as futil
from ... import config
# import traceback
import adsk
import adsk.core as core
import adsk.fusion as fusion
app = core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
design: fusion.Design = app.activeProduct
root: fusion.Component = design.rootComponent
occs = root.allOccurrences
offset = 0.25 # cm, FrรคserDM + Sicherheit
deletesketches = True
CMD_ID = f'{config.COMPANY_NAME}_{config.ADDIN_NAME}_cmdDialog'
CMD_NAME = 'sketch_offset_move'
CMD_Description = 'Generate a sketch,Project and Offset body, start Move command'
WORKSPACE_ID = 'FusionSolidEnvironment'
PANEL_ID = 'SolidModifyPanel'
COMMAND_BESIDE_ID = 'FusionMoveCommand'
# Resource location for command icons, here we assume a sub folder in this directory named "resources".
ICON_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'resources', '')
# Local list of event handlers used to maintain a reference so
# they are not released and garbage collected.
local_handlers = []
# Executed when add-in is run.
def start():
# Create a command Definition.
cmd_def = ui.commandDefinitions.addButtonDefinition(CMD_ID, CMD_NAME, CMD_Description, ICON_FOLDER)
# Define an event handler for the command created event. It will be called when the button is clicked.
futil.add_handler(cmd_def.commandCreated, command_created)
# ******** Add a button into the UI so the user can run the command. ********
# Get the target workspace the button will be created in.
workspace = ui.workspaces.itemById(WORKSPACE_ID)
# Get the panel the button will be created in.
panel = workspace.toolbarPanels.itemById(PANEL_ID)
# Create the button command control in the UI after the specified existing command.
control = panel.controls.addCommand(cmd_def, COMMAND_BESIDE_ID, False)
# Specify if the command is promoted to the main toolbar.
control.isPromoted = IS_PROMOTED
# Executed when add-in is stopped.
def stop():
# Get the various UI elements for this command
workspace = ui.workspaces.itemById(WORKSPACE_ID)
panel = workspace.toolbarPanels.itemById(PANEL_ID)
command_control = panel.controls.itemById(CMD_ID)
command_definition = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById(CMD_ID)
# Delete the button command control
if command_control:
# Delete the command definition
if command_definition:
# Function that is called when a user clicks the corresponding button in the UI.
# This defines the contents of the command dialog and connects to the command related events.
def command_created(args: core.CommandCreatedEventArgs๐
# General logging for debug.
futil.log(f'{CMD_NAME} Command Created Event')
# TODO Connect to the events that are needed by this command.
futil.add_handler(args.command.execute, command_execute, local_handlers=local_handlers)
# futil.add_handler(args.command.executePreview, command_preview, local_handlers=local_handlers)
futil.add_handler(args.command.destroy, command_destroy, local_handlers=local_handlers)
# This event handler is called when the user clicks the OK button in the command dialog or
# is immediately called after the created event not command inputs were created for the dialog.
def command_execute(args: core.CommandEventArgs๐
# General logging for debug.
futil.log(f'{CMD_NAME} Command Execute Event')
# TODO ******************************** Your code here ********************************
actsels = ui.activeSelections.asArray()
for actsel in actsels:
selectedEnt = actsel.entity
occ = occs.itemByName(selectedEnt.name)
# Get the associated component.
component = occ.component
# target body
body: fusion.BRepBody = component.bRepBodies[0]
# create sketch
skt: fusion.Sketch = component.sketches.add(component.xYConstructionPlane)
skt.name = 'skofmo'
# create project
curves = skt.project(body)
# skt.projectCutEdges(body)
# Create the offset
lines = skt.sketchCurves.sketchLines
line = lines.item(0)
curves = skt.findConnectedCurves(line)
# curves = skt.sketchCurves
dirPoint = core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0)
offsetcurv = skt.offset(curves, dirPoint, offset)
# clean sketch
skt.areConstraintsShown = False
skt.arePointsShown = False
skt.areProfilesShown = False
skt.areDimensionsShown = False
app.executeTextCommand(u"Commands.Start HideProjectedGeometries")
# start the Move for the selected component
# ui.activeSelections.clear()
# ui.activeSelections.add(selectedEnt)
# Delete the sketch
if deletesketches:
for actsel in actsels:
selectedEnt = actsel.entity
occ = occs.itemByName(selectedEnt.name)
# Get the associated component.
component = occ.component
skt = component.sketches.itemByName('skofmo')
# This event handler is called when the command terminates.
def command_destroy(args: core.CommandEventArgs๐
# General logging for debug.
futil.log(f'{CMD_NAME} Command Destroy Event')
global local_handlers
local_handlers = []