There are several things to consider when choosing a language.
As far as the API for each of the languages being developed; functionality is delivered for all three languages at the same time. Internally, we implement the C++ interface first but then wrappers are constructed automatically for Python and JavaScript. So all three have the same capabilities. However, there's one exception to this in that JavaScript doesn't support all of the events. We ran into a technical problem with events and JavaScript so we've blocked exporting most events in JavaScript.
For speed of execution, C++ will be the fastest since it is compiled code that runs within the Fusion process. On Windows and Mac, Python also runs in-process but it's interpreted and Python isn't known as a particularly fast language. On Windows, JavaScript runs out of process and as a result is much slower. On Mac, it runs in-process and is similar to Python.
For speed of development, much depends on which language you have the most experience with already. A new language always has a learning curve at the beginning. But assuming that you are comfortable with all three, I would say that Python is probably the language someone could develop code the fastest in. One reason for this is that you do the development and debugging within the same IDE. You can also do some prototyping using the text window in Fusion. C++ has an advantage that it is typed so you're able to catch many problems while writing and compiling, while you end up debugging a lot of problems at run time with the other two languages.
Another thing to consider is if you plan to deliver your program commercially. With JavaScript and Python you're essentially delivering your source code. With C++ you're delivering a binary which is much harder for someone to crack.
If you don't care about the security of your code, I would recommend Python and if you do need to protect your code then C++.