Model Joints Disappear in Simulation Tab


Model Joints Disappear in Simulation Tab

Not applicable

Hello All,


I have been using Fusion360 on Windows for a while now and have learned to work with or around its quirks but this is something new... I have assembled a model with 97 components/subassemblies in the Design tab. The model looks and moves as it should and is grounded. But, when I navigate to the Simulation tab to perform a static analysis, the model components relocate to unconstrained positions. The attached picture shows the change from the Design to the Simulation tab (2 mouse-clicks) with no changes made in Simplify.


This problem only takes place in the Simulation and Simplify tabs and is not present in the Generative Design, Animation, or Render tabs. I have assembled the model mainly with simple joints and a few as-built joints to avoid conflicting joints. What am I doing wrong to make Fusion360 act like this? Does anyone know any potential solutions? 


I have successfully simulated stresses on similar models in the past but this is my most recent assembly and it has been the only one to have this problem. New updates of Fusion360 have been installed since I did those models but my workflow has remained more-or-less unchanged. Please let me know if anyone has any thoughts because I am really stuck and I loathe to think about re-constructing in a different software. 


Best wishes,

Dominick Maximilian Scialabba


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Community Manager
Community Manager

this is a bug, and has been fixed.  Unfortunately, it did not make yesterday's hotfix, but will make the next one.


Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
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