Hobby cnc guy here, can't figure out how to program fusion (3 axis mill) to mill this large chamfer with a 45° 8mm chamfer mill, the slope is too long to do it in one go.
What 'strategy' would make this possible?
Easiest way to hit that feature would be a second setup with an angle block and run a facing path. Otherwise you would have to program multiple chamfer toolpaths with varying heights and tool tip offsets and attempt to blend them together. Without a 5th axis, those are your options.
Question, first, are all the slopes actually at 45 degrees ?? If not then not going to be easy 😞
If yes then you can maybe approach it as a 3D job and use for example the 3D Adaptive with a reasonable size tool to rough out the majority of the material and finish off with a 3D Contour toolpath as in the image below and the attached example file, that is just what it is, an example of one way how it could maybe achieved 🙂 🙂
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction 👍👍, made it work with the 3D contour.
Trying to do a large chamfer with a small tool always looks bad... you will get pronounced blends at every pass (tool deflection, inaccurate tool angle grind... I don't know, it just always looks bad). If I don't have a large enough cutter & it's not on a multi-axis machine, I will surface the chamfer with a ball or bullnose cutter. I generally use a flow toolpath parallel with chamfer.
Hi. You can do a standard 2D Chamfer (or 2D Contour) and then apply a linear pattern. Select the edge of your chamfer to set the direction.
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