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Render size limit needs to be increased

Render size limit needs to be increased



Rendering in Fusion is great, yet the restriction to 4000x4000 is holding back many things. Rendering to larger sizes would allow for more detail and usage in design proposals and reviews - among many other things. 


Even if a larger render size is only available to Local Render it would be a great step forward. I would honestly ask for 12K x 12K for local render, or just open it up to no limit since it's our own systems that do the work.

Another important aspect would be DPI settings for local render. Why can't I set DPI to 600 so printing a render is more detailed for clients and students?


Please vote for this so we can move forward with render qualities and abilities in Fusion.


Here is another post with a similar ending that has votes but is closed:


Thank you for your time. 

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