Fusion 360 does not scale correctly on many 4K screens. It is either fuzzy, or when the DPI scaling fix is used, the UI controls are scaled too small to be usable.
This issue has been recognized by Autodesk since at least 2015, and despite promises that a fix was coming, has not been addressed. Obviously, a full solution is not in the cards any time soon.
All we ask is that Fusion allow us to scale the size of the controls to compensate for this issue. This fix does not have to be clean and easy to use. It does not have to work across all scaling ranges. It doesn't even have to scale the icons, the text would be sufficient.
This feature could even be hidden away or disabled in some menu so that regular users would never see it. Mark it as beta, or even only make it available via adding/editing some setting file.
It's just text scaling, but it's the difference between being able to use the software or not.
Please help this issue get resolved, there are many people who have been waiting a long time for this. Thank you.