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snap offset plane to sketch point

snap offset plane to sketch point

When creating an offset plane, Fusion allow to snap distance/position of the new plane to a solid or surface point/vertices:




Don't know why, but this is not possible with sketch points...






I think this is a good improvement.




At the OFFSET PLANE it should be possible to select a point/corner instead of input a value for distance.

Tags (5)

What I mean is that there should be both possibilities: Value input and/or point selection.




OK, I have tested just now again and it works !?! Don't know what happens as I tried it last time.


B U T it is not parametric. So this is what's necessary.


Works with point or corners of a body. But does not work with points of a sketch. Please realize it.

Not applicable

Lack of ability to create construction plane through a point on the sketch is... Well i can't believe there is no such option! WTH? It seems so intuitive... 


I can't believe that there are not a lot of people missing this.

Do the people not work with sketches to design projects and then using parametric work ability of Fusion?


I'm missing the definition of planes with the help of sketches really!


Currently an Offset plane may only use a distance value as a target. The facility exits to use "measure" within the distance entry box to gain the required distance value to a terminating feature however this provides a static value. If the underlying body changes the constrution plane will no longer be aligned with the desired feature.


There are numerous multi-step work arounds to solve the issue such as parameters or additional axes however the most obvious single step solution is to simply enable the use of features as terminating points for the Offset plane command.

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Community Manager

Yes, I suspect that's it. Create a work plane parallel to a face which passes through a point on a sketch, or a transition in a body.


At present we either place an axis through the point perpendicular to the sketch and then a plane through the axis parallel to the original reference face OR drive the workplane offset with a parameter common to the location of the point on the sketch. It's certainly doable with work-arounds, it's just frustrating coming from an environment where it was once a single click, moreso when it's used frequently.


I can't see what's at the link you pasted, it just sits spinning. No offence intended to the fine hosts of this system but as some customer feedback, it also  pretty much sums up why we will absolutely never risk our company on a solely cloud based CAD system, particularly given the RFC 1149 based network system in use down here...


Many thanks for your reply


Specify distance of 'Offset plane' with the ability to choose a reference point/line/edge in a sketch/body/component.




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Not applicable

Can we please get a comment on this? Seems like such a basic feature. I'm well aware that this can most of the time be achieved with the 'plane at an angle' feature. It's just so much less intuitive.

Not applicable

Often times I want to make a plane which is parallel to one of the origin planes but not offset by a measurement but to a point, surface or line. Just like the distance options in the extrude function would be nice.

Tags (3)
Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討

Hey all, I just merged several ideas into this thread to aggregate Kudos and consolidate the conversation. As a modeling team, we are looking into this functionality now and I would like to check with all of you your expectation for this behavior. 


First, we can all agree that we need to allow the selection of sketch points as inputs for the Offset Plane command. 


However, the behavior with this selection is something I would like to get your feedback on. If you were using this command and clicked on a sketch point, would your expectation be for the resulting plane to snap to that point, or would you expect it to have an associative link to that point? For instance, the Extrude command can exhibit both behaviors as evidenced in the below images: 


Snapping Behavior:






Associative Link Behavior:





Are either of these more desirable than the other? What would be your expectation?


Obviously having both options would be ideal, but adding both options would increase the coding work which may mean it would be harder to begin work on soon. Thus, I'm asking which you would prefer if we were to incorporate a quick fix.




Hi, glad to see that the issue is under review.

I would choose to have the Associative Link Behavior as I am generally intending to tie the plane to a point determined by parametric values subject to change.
I find the alternative confusing when raw distances are used to populate dialogs as in some instances it fails to pick up or retain entered parametric values. All of our work is always parametric by design regardless of any intended changes or lack thereof.


PLEASE make this possible. Also, offset from a surface or vertex or sketch point etc. Using existing references to make construction geometry is crucial. 


100% associative link. Snapping in this context seems relatively useless.


This ("create a plane parallel to an existing plane through a given point") is a feature I find myself wanting frequently. It's almost there in that you can do it with faces, but I want it to work with origin planes and existing construction planes.


Glad to share that we have added this functionality with the November Release. You can now select a sketch point or a model vertex to create an Offset plane which will be associative to the selected sketch point/vertex.



Woo hoo! I'm really happy to see this. A great addition, thanks!


Delighted to see that this feature has seen daylight. It is a simple feature that makes a big difference in the daily workflow.
Many thanks!



Fantastic improvement, Thanks!

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