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Slow down the default RPM's

Slow down the default RPM's



Very few CNC's have 40,000 RPM spindles.  Lets set the default speeds to something in the realm of 9500PRMs'  Seems like the new CAM stuff in 360 sets default cutter speeds to 35,000RPMS.   Very few CNC's run those speeds.  

default speeds.jpg


I recently started using the CAM section on Fusion and made some initial pieces on a Tormach PCNC.  The routing was great but I didnt notice how fast the spindle speed and feed settings were defaulted by fusion.   I ended up having to run everything at about 30% and I was still running near the upper end for that machine.  My idea would be to let you choose the machine in the post processor tab of the setup for your operations.  This way you could set parameters for your CNC like max spindle speed and feed rate and then let the calculator adjust your speeds and feeds for your machine.  This way your estimated time is more accurate.

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I think that the feeds and speeds should stay at max optimal as default but there should definitely be somewhere to enter the max feeds and speeds for your machine. Then if the tool F&S are above this it will automatically reduce it to that.

It would also be nice if there was a gloable F&S modification setting.
For example I use a home built machine that isn't quite as rigid as one would like and the spindle isn't quite as powerful as it could be. Therefore I tend to run something like +10% spindle speed and - 10% feed speed.
Now I mostly just make custom tools and enter my own feeds and speeds so it doesn't usually effect me but it would be nice if I could adjust a global modifier to make those changes to the default feeds and speeds to get me a little closer to what my machine likes.


OK, so if you forget to change the speed, then you launch the program, your machine will go into an error mode.  That will require it to be reset, program reedited.  It is easier to crank the speeds up each time, rather than always be dancing across a line of alligators nipping at your heels.  


I don't understand what you mean.
If you were able to enter the limits of your machine then any tool that exceeded that would automatically be set to your machines limits.
If you want to set all the tools to the slowest machines highest speed then everyone else but the owner of the slowest machine would suffer the inconvienence of those wrong settings.
The tools should be set for ideal feeds and speeds. If there is any deviation from that it should be by being able to enter the parameters of your machine into your software.


YES, I want to set the limits on the machine.  That will work.  Right now we have to adjust each time I CAM.  Lets get it in a parameter for each machine.




As a temporary workaround you can edit each tool you use to your desired parameters. That way at least if you use that tool again you won't have to edit it in each operation.



Editing each tool is a complete pain.  I dont understand why there cant be a more sophisticated feeds and speeds calc on this thing.  I would even pay more for one.  At this point I have to pay for another software (GWizard) to look at my parameters and giv\e me feeds and speeds after giving it my other parameters.  I am not a machinist by trade or education and neither are most enigneers/modelers.  The CAM feature should allow people without years of experience to load their G-code and produce decent parts.  I dont mean it has to be perfect, but even an add-in to allow Fusion to get its parameters from GWizard or another software would be nice.  

As long as were on the subject, why doesnt fusion evaluate feeds and speeds for each style of pass.  Running a roughing pass and finsihing pass at the same F+S is pointless.  Fusion should re-evaluate the F+S for the different pass levels it takes but using your machines capabilities, the tool chosen, material, pass depth, and cut width.  It has all these parameters, why not really blow people away and add actual utility to the CAM editor over any other more established and proven CAM editor?

Status changed to: Implemented

Of courses there is still more we are doing to provide better speeds and feeds.  But, in the short term, we have added material specific libraries with appropriate speeds and feeds.


great, love it.  thanks

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