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Plastic Part detailing from Inventor 2017

Plastic Part detailing from Inventor 2017

Fusion360 really needs Industrial Design tools for "Plastic Part" design as per Inventor 2017. this is am must have and as important as sheet metal.


Plastic Features Inventor 2017.PNG


Just to reiterate, In Inventor its a 2 click process to add in a lip and groove.


In fusion 360 it's a minimum of 18 clicks to get the lip & groove. Thats an 88.88% increase in workflow for one plastic feature + same or more work for boss's and snap clips



Plastic Part Features.PNG

Status changed to: Future Consideration

We have this in the backlog. We don't have a release date at this time. 

Not applicable

I agree. Because, Fusion 360 is a popular 3D CAD solution among hobbyists, students, educators, and entrepreneurs, I believe it is imperative that this functionality is incorporated into Fusion 360. This added function will continue to make Fusion 360, the premier CAD platform among its competitors.

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