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Personal Materials Folder

Personal Materials Folder

It is brilliant that you can edit existing materials, bringing in material textures from your favourite source, manipulate them to make your model look exactly as you want it, and, as I have just discovered, save them as favourites.


However, as Fusion will never satisfy everyones material needs - it would be great that once you have edited and saved a new bespoke material if you could save it in your own Personal materials folder, and in personalised sub / catagory folders so you can create your own collection.


The attached are quick renders - showing Concrete, A specific Oak finish from a panel company we use (Egger) and whilst you may not want clouds in your Bedroom furniture - you might want it somewhere - for thise of us using printed glass, for example.




(Fusion makes me happy)


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変更されたステータス: Implemented

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