The view cube movements work well if we refer to the cube itself, but not the labels RIGHT or LEFT.
This small car illustrate the problem. Let's say that we orientate the model in order to have a logical situation: So the front of the model is the same as the FRONT label of the view cube, and the top of the model, also, match the label of the cube.
Unfortunately, the RIGHT label of the cube shows the left side of the model, provoking mistakes on big assemblies (or parts of them).
Would it be possible to have the possibility, for example in Preferences, to choose the label of the named RIGHT view (which is actually the left ) ?
**** In the views below, we see that FRONT show the front view, but that RIGHT show actually the left of the model:
We can see in this view above, after clicked on the left side of the cube (which is labelled RIGHT), that in fact we obtain a left view, which is appropriate according to the model (so the RIGHT label is wrong).
So an option in Preferences would be great, to change the RIGHT label in something we want (or simply LEFT).
This could be just a checkbox saying "RIGHT/LEFT views labels inverted" for example, or something.