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Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Are there any keyboard shortcuts in Fusion 360?


The mouse interface is very cool, but personally I find a combination of the keyboard and mouse faster, whether I am doing CAD, photoshop, whatever.


OK, I will throw out some comments…


Toggle Box and Smooth are useful.

Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Cut are standard OS items are are expected- though I don't seem to get them to work in all contexts, like copy/ paste sketch entities. 


I'm less sure about the other modifier key combinations in the list, particularly when you can accomplish the same thing (loop selection) by double clicking. I'm not good at remembering multiple key combinations, and Control-Command-Left arrow is not going to be something I use. Others might, though. And some like Shift-Up for grow selection, seem pretty intuitive. 


But what I think most are asking for here, and what I take this idea to be about, is hot keys for tool selection, and that's not what this list is. We want this to avoid trips to the menus (even contextual menus from right-click) for frequently used tools.  What I would love is to be able to assign keys to tools I use very frequently- E for extrude, C for Combine, or M for measure- and have a single unmodified key press select the tool. 


I, for one, haven't got the gesture thing down- though I do manage to trigger it by accident at inopportune times.Smiley Surprised  The contextual on screen menus are great, however I heave to exercise care with my old eyes to select the right item from a submenu.  Having the ability to assign hot keys would greatly improve my Fusion experience.

Not applicable

Can hotkeys/quick keys please be customizable!  :smileyhappy:. So those of us transitioning over from other software not fumble around as much and actually get in and start turning out models faster with you awesome program?  :smileyhappy:


Also is there currently a *.txt or *.xml document that I can get into to change my personal hotkeys at the moment?




Will it be possible to customize with keyboard short cuts soon, like in INVENTOR ?


Example  : O=Orbit ; H = Pan etc

Not applicable

Please please at least add a shortcut to "go to Home view" and "Zoom to fit" commands! I miss these two the most.

Not applicable

Yes, please please please!  🙂


I noticed that command, control, and option (Mac) all do the same thing.  They cause scroll up and down to act like magnification tool.  Would be great if one of them was pan instead (like if control key caused click-drag to do pan while control is held down).


Right now the app is extremely "one-handed".  I feel I would be much quicker (much less slow might be a more accurate description) if I could use my left hand to switch the various modes and just use the cursor for selecting and moving things.



I also added +1 for this topic, but wonder how long the status "comments requested" will persist? When we will get keyboard shortcust finally? Is there any schedule? Information to the community is key!

I want recommend not to discuss which command should get a keyboard shortcut and which not.

I come from Blender (OpenSource 3D tool) and there all commands have a keyboard shortcut. Furthermore they are fully customizable! This is really a great help since one hand can hover over the keyboard the other one moves the mouse - very handy!

In F360 I always stuck in my workflow if I quickly want to change my view.

To pan I have to move the mouse down to the pan tool and activate it then move the mouse for panning. Then I want to rotate - OK here I can use middlmouse and SHIFT - but then I want to zoom, so my mouse goes down to the zoom tool (because I don't like the stepped zoom using middle mouse button).

So just to change the view my mouse goes down and up and down an up - very annouying and time consuming!

E.g. in Blender I use middle mouse in combination with ALT, STRG, SHIFT to pan, zoom and rotate - very handy. And if I don't like these key combinations I just change them in preferencees.

This is what I would like to have in F360 as well.

So the developers should not concentrate on a few commands to provide a keyboard shourtcut for. Instead they should develop a layer where all commands can be activated either by mouse or by keyboard.

If there is no way to support all actions by a shortcut my priority are all buttons which change the view means pan, zoom, rotate and last but not least enable/disable adaptive snap!

Thanks for any further development on this issue!





I work in Alias Rhino and Blender and have all apps mapped pretty much the same way.


Rotation, pan, zoom with the mouse works the same for example.


It would be a great help incase we could have access to the key mapping for hot keys and the mouse actions.


110% behind this suggestion, my workflow would be improved by having the obvious keyboard shortcuts (based on the current context) match the name of the feature as much as possible.


For example, while in the sketch environment, I'd like to press "t" for trim, "l" for line etc. The right click shortcuts are lovely, but keyboard shortcuts are faster for power users!

Not applicable

Hi ,


A hot key editor for fusion 360 will be good for customisation and for quick acessing of tools.


Since i am a autodesk alias user,it is very difficult for me to work with  a limited set of Hot keys.



Tags (2)
Community Manager
Status changed to: 実装予定
Im linking this to I will not this specific lias style ui back in the other port as well.
Community Manager

link to duplicate idea with Alias specif editor UI request


I'm all for hot keys, but only if they are 100% customizable.  Too many applications with there own bespoke commands is a real pain.  The mental liability associated with switching back and forth is exhausting.  I wouldn't limit this to hot keys either.  


How many people have spent all morning using the space bar to PAN in PhotoShop or SketchBook Pro, then in the afternoon switch to Rhino where space bar repeats the last command, or SolidWorks where space bar brings up the view menu, or Modo where space bar switches between Vert-Edge-Poly modes, or Fusion where space bar does nothing.  


Mouse input should be customizable as well for the same reasons.


I use a tablet a lot so I usually program the pen and tablet buttons to produce the same behavior across all apps.  Thats harder to do with Fusion 360 because the driver relies on key input input commands that do not exist.

Oddly, since my tablet is one of the desk eclipsing newer Wacom's the keyboard is kind of far away.  It's a long reach.


I happen to use the contextual / marking menus all the time, but they become really useful on Wacom days.  The input fields and drag handles are vital also and add a nice analog feal to direct modeling operations.  


Speaking of input fields I just noticed that the little gear icon that used to show up in the same place as RE ORIENT is gone.  Now I have to reach all the way across the screen to pick options (I'm a lefty).  I just spent some time scowering the release notes and didn't see anything saying it was removed.  Am I missing something?  It would help if I could remember the name of it.  Mini-Toolbar? or Gizmo?






Not applicable

+1 for custom keyboard shortcuts.  For me personally I would love to have the ability to choose M as measure, N as "normal to"-changes view to perpendicular to chosen face, Q as mate (or joint), etc.

Not applicable

I am all for custom keyboard shortcuts. This will speed up my workflow dramatically! 🙂


Look at sketchup for a model of good implementation.  Shortcuts for pretty much everything.  Also the shortcuts are customizable.  I am hitting shortcuts constantly in Fusion 360 trying to get certain functions.  L for line, r for rectangle, space for select tool, z for zoom, g for select group, etc.  

Status changed to: 実装予定
We are evaluating how we will provide access for this along with the shortcuts/hotkeys. We are considering if we can also provide some known product navigation mapping.
Status changed to: 実装予定
We are in the process of developing shortcut access including customization.
Not applicable

+1 to customizable keyboard shortcuts.


The most important ones for me are single letter tool hotkeys. I really miss simple and fast switching between tools that I have been accustomed to during years of using Adobe products. Tool hotkeys could save 30 or more minutes daily for me - I just hate going back and forth from the sketch to the menu just to switch tool from line to circle or rectangle, it is really time consuming. Just take a look how it works in Photoshop.


Yes, please!


Mouse gestures are so frustrating to use. It takes more time to change the tool, than to use that tool.


Example: Sketch with a rectangle and a hole in the middle of the rectangle.

  • A) With mouse, without gestures: You have to move cursor about few screen widths in distance, moving the mouse between model and toolbar.
  • B) With mouse gestures: You have to browse through the gesture menu every time you want to change the tool. You have to repeat same small motion, which isn't exactly good for your wrist.
  • C) With keyboard shortcuts: The job would be completed in under 5 seconds with correct constraints/dimensions. Mouse cursor would only be used for drawing, not for browsing menus with repetitive motions.


P.S. I've only used Fusion 360 for few days, so there might be some better ways to change tools


when will this feature be available ...I wanted to try fusion.

Edited by request

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