STP files may be imported directly into drawing from McMaster-Carr catalog or Parts-4-CAD. This is a great utility & convenience.
However simply browsing to existing STP files accessible on local PC for direct import to drawing is not possible. Requiring upload to Data Panel of existing files currently in PC library from current use with other applications, or vendors not included in above sources, solely for use by Fusion is time and cloud space consuming. Access to local files would also be more immediate than cloud download.
Addition of "Insert STP" to existing INSERT drop down menu, in applicable workspaces would be a useful improvement in basic functionality, that should not require end user customization.
Provide similar interface window operation as existing Insert Decal, SVG, DXF, etc... with folder symbol to enable browsing to desired STP file.
"Insert from Local" menu item in drop down with selectable file types could also be an alternative. Thank you for consideration.