Decal at Correct Scale
Our studio does packaging design work where we have to work with branding objects a lot. As such we find the need to attache labels to products. Our clients need to see how a labelling solution looks in relation to the physical packaging at correct scale. As such we find ourselves applying a lot of decals in our work flow.
I can't imagine we are the only studio that uses Fusion for Packaging projects. It would be very handy if the Decal tool could be improved to incorporate an accurate system of scaling. I have been told to use the Texture map tool, but seems time consuming, when it would seem to make more sense to place a decal and have it at the correct size when you import it.
Our work flow is usually to design in illustrator or indesign labels at correct size, so would be even ideal if you could import a PDF as a Decal and that it incorporated the measurements of the PDF. i.e. if it was 10mm in the PDF that it was 10mm in Fusion.
If it needs to stay as a PNG then we need to have some system as to being able to import that PNG at an accurate scale at a decent resolution.
This would be a really handy feature and seem to make sense with the way Fusion likes to think about things in 3D space as real life objects.