the current construction plane creation options like offset and such are useful in many cases but when you really freely design and explore design ideas they seem to rather limit your creativity and are restrictive.
the problem is to use those the best and most efficient you already need to know what you will build.
when you are exploring a design idea that is not the case.
thus I propose to also offer the option to create a cplane then then allow the designer to freely move and rotate it along x y z.
see it this way: to create a cplane at an angle I need to first create a sketch with a line at an angle along which I can create a cplane. that is not only making the timeline thicker it is also more work and adding feature complexity like in the image below
In Alias or Blender you can create an object and then move it around rotate it
Here you see three objects all using a poly sketch which is feed to a extrusion feature to add thickness.
Each object is simply rotated and moved individually by hand.
In Fusion I would need to:
Go edit first sketch - so that cplane along path will update because that sketch is driving the cplane angle.
I find object based modeling and manipulation vastly out performing this stiff sketch cplane feature workflow which adds a lot of overhead and labor when it is not yet needed.
Because Fusion is parametric I hardly can assume that it would be difficult to add a cplane creation mode which just places the cplane in the global xyz 0 point and then lets
the user move and rotate it freely around. Obviously the move rotate command at this point has to also memorize and read that changed translation data to the user. Take
a look at the Blender screen show each object always shows the xyz location and rotation data.
Maybe the cplane should have a center point which is being used to move or rotate and can also be used as the xyz 0 reference point for the sketch then. Blender and Alias
work pretty great this way.
The offset command is already like a linear move along a specifica facing vector already.