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Folder Tool Orientation

Folder Tool Orientation

To have a tool orientation page in folders that sets the tool orientation.


Work flow with folder tool orientation would be, 


  • With a the folder selected any new operation would have that orientation from that folder.
  • Dragging any operation into an orientated folder would force the operation to the orientation of the folder.
  • Dragging an operation out would have that operation keep its orientation, unless its moved to a folder with an orientation.

This seems to me, a simple way to get around some of the issue fusion currently has.

  • No way to manage WCS other then the initial set up.
  • Can't select origins.
  • Can't Compare and edit orientation.



I'm not to excited about the tool retaining its orientation after removal from the folder. I can understand the desire for this, but I'd rather it not be a Modal command. The exception to this would be IF the tool already HAD the orientation and then was moved into a folder with like tools.


My other concern? I can see a problem arising with ordering of tools and moving thing around. If I'm running a job with A0, 90, -90, would I have only three folders? The answer would be "yes". Well then, how will I tell Fusion I want to rough at -90 and 90, and then go to A0 to establish this feature, but another tool run it completely in reverse of that?


I think what this flow leads to is the need for another panel to drag and tweak the order in which tools would run. Esprit had this and it offered us a great deal of control. Not saying we should copy that method, but just offering a counterpoint.


My thinking with the operation keeping the folder set orientation ties into your concerns about ordering.

Could be how we each learned our cam systems. I'm use to programming by orientation then copying my setup and reordering for tools and orientation.

This suggestion is trying to get the shortest implementation path so we can get some much needed workflow in fusion cam.





I think Fusion needs a rethink on how 3+2 workflow is achieved. I'd like tool orientation to be set at the setup, rather than tool level, but I'd also like selectable predefined WCS to be selected on a toolpath by toolpath basis so the CAM driver can specify the true order of machining and not let Fusion reorder as it likes.


I wrote up some more detailed thoughts on it here



Our ideas are functionally the same.

This suggestion is trying to get the shortest implementation path so we can get some much needed workflow in fusion cam. I would love to hear a developers take on implementation.  





Anyone heard any dev mumblings about this? Do you mind if I request a merge of our two ideas? Although they are functionally the same, I think multiple WCS within a single setup should be the ultimate goal.


Mums the word.

At this point I'd settle for being able to create origins in design and select them in cam. 

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