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Extruded Profiles Library (Metal, Plastic, ...)

Extruded Profiles Library (Metal, Plastic, ...)

Often I have to use standard metal (steel, aluminium...) profiles in projects, modelling these profiles is, of course, simple, sketch the section and then extrude it, but it might become a repetitive work.


My suggestion would be to have a library with standard profiles  (pipes, rods, tube, 'I' beams, etc...) and with the ability to add new profiles, with the specification of material and information to populate the BOM. With this in place one would need only to select the plane, point of placement for the profile, direction and height of extrusion or path for extrusion. The user could also set any material as the profile material (metal, plastic, rubber, wood, etc).

Not applicable

I need this library yesterday as the material handling equipment I used to build in SW I want to do in F360 and see if it will hold up. I have pipes and HSS, tubes etc to use. I may just create my own library and share it. 

Not applicable

Please create someone such a library !! a lot of people will be grateful to you, you can at least from Invertor or like solidworks Smiley Sad

Not applicable

We need this NOW!!!!  Time wasted even importing sketches is too much.  The ability to have a Photoshop style "brush palette" of material profiles for extrusion would increase my workflow by at least double, possibly more.

Not applicable

This would be great but libraries usually take a lot of space depending on scope. 

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