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Drawing DWG Export - layers FIX

Drawing DWG Export - layers FIX


It's common issue that if you export your drawing as DWG and than open it in Draftsight or some other external software, then you will see basically only dimensions and nothing else. If you will open it in DWG TrueView, AutoCAD or A360 viewer, then it is fine.


But lot of our customers and users simply has even others programs not only Autodesk software. So would it be possible to look on to this issue? Maybe let users to choose newer DWG and older DWG? Or something like that? We as a partner receive a lot question on this one. 


Thank you and have a nice day,




Not applicable

+1 From me for this one! Any news on that topic?

Not applicable





       please play along

Extremely important!!!


You can't even begin to understand how important this is. We need access to these DWG files for other reasons, not just related to production drawings. Sometimes, we need to generate a clean, 'flat' view of a part/assembly that Fusion or other 3D software just cannot do. No matter how skilled the user, or how full the options of the software, there are times we must use a 2D software as means to present something generated in 3D.


Also, sometimes the only way production machines can read a file format is in DWG; it won't acknowledge a DXF, STEP, or other file format. So now we users have a solid piece of software that claims to do everything, yet handcuffs us to a DWG file no machine can read. So, we have to shove this through 2, sometimes even 3, different pieces of software to get to this properly. Or, with this terrible DWG format in Fusion, we have to plunk down another couple grand to get an Inventor or AutoCAD license to even look at our creations in a controlled, unusable 2D format which we can't properly manipulate for our benefit, which in turn is for our customer's benefit.


So yeah, I would do something about this pronto. Autodesk has had years to figure this out already.

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