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Dragging jointed items using increments

Dragging jointed items using increments

When clicking on an individual item such as a tube that has a rotational joint, selecting the item, then hitting + or - should INCREMENT move the item within the contraints of the joint a certain amount, which, for the most part, would be angular/rotational with most joint types. Have it be a preset in Prefs such as 5 degrees, 10 degrees, etc. 

As it stands right now, dragging a jointed component or string of jointed components in this case can lead to wildly erratic behavior, or, very little behavior or movement at all, with no indication as to why it occurs on one identical component and joint and doesn't work the same on another. 

maybe add something similar and allow it to this INCREMENT feature to work on any selected item? 

This would be great for header and pipe designs. 

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