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Disable "versioning"

Disable "versioning"

For me, the version management is not at all useful. It is only causing problems. Currently I have models with ~20 saves and thus ~20 versions and I want to remove them. But F360 will not let me do it because it claims one of versions (it will not tell me which one) is in use somewhere else (it will not tell me where). Checking the "Used In" gives me nothing so it is all a bit of a mystery. Anyway, long story short; I would like an option to disable versions so that I can immediately and indefinitely disable it once and for all.


@Riley_Amara : Disable / uncheck <Your Login Name> -> Preferences -> General -> Automatic version on close and you should be fine. 05-02-2020 19-11-49.png



Oh good lord thank you


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