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I very much support this. Our shop relies on fractions for technical drawings and the only way to have fractions is to type them in manually (big chance for errors, thousands of dollars lost, etc..
I concure. I have an established relationship with a shop and they require both fractional dimensions and the " symbol for inches. This is something that should be selected as a drawing option. Otherwise, I have to manually put in all the dimensions. That is a lot of time and potential for error.
Unfortunately, decimal only kind of eliminates the possibility of really diving into everyday use of the program for our company. I can only imagine what kind of feedback I'd get from the shop if I delivered a batch of drawings in decimal notation!
Out CAM progammer/operator is loving the demo of Fusion 360, however. It's MUCH easier to use than Inventor.
We're an exhibit design/build team, which involves a mix of creatives (artists) and technical folks. We have a heavily digital workflow (scan, sculpt, design, CAM) and love the promise of Fusion 360. (Woot for associative toolpathing!) However, on the drawing side....
We use decimal :
- ONLY when making machining drawings that go our machine shop. (<10% of our drawings)
We use fractional when making drawings for :
- our woodshop (40%)
- our sculptural department (10%)
- our acrylic department (10%)
We use architechural :
- when dealing with clients
- when doing general arrangement drawings (room / building scale) (30%)
Our shop uses fractions with the " for under 10' and feet-inch architectural type fractional dimensions for over 10'
Mixing these types within a drawing is relatively easy in Inventor, but both types of fractional dimensions should be added to Fusion. The ability to mix both formats within the same drawing is also needed.
You guys know they make tape measures and other measuring tools in decimal format right? Once your employees get used to it they will wonder how and why they ever used fractions. I guess I can see how F360 should be backwards compatible with backwards methodology but I would be focused much more on improving systems to use the decimal system which is just so much better in every way. But then again I am a huge proponent of getting rid of our antiquated standard system in general. I only use manufacturers and fabricators who can use metric drawings, models and units. Heck the last time I did construction we used metric. It was so much nicer and easier. You guys should try it.
That sounds good, however there are some other considerations. All my woodworking tools are setup in fractions. tape measures, squares, sliding squares, table saw, sliding chop saw, jointer, planer, band saw etc. It would prohibitively expensive to replace or change the built in systems. Plus I'd have to retrain my 70 year old brain to be familiar with a changed system. I believe it would be much easier to modify Fusion 360 to have both systems available in the drawing format. Ken
Greetings! Fractional inch (stacked fractions vs. decimal) display is a valuable feature. I dream of a world where we finally adopt the metric system and measure everything digitally, but until then displaying stacked fractions in dimensions is a necessity for us. Coming from SW the ability to provide alternate units and formats in dimensions is a big deal. THANKS!
I too once wished for metric only, however this country seems to be stuck in "what was" rather than moving forward to "what could be". Rather like our current political situation. However, now I'm retired from working full time other than my wood shop and don't see the need to update all my machines, measuring tapes and such for the change. So I'd like to have both possibilities available. Ken
This is really odd especially because in preferences you can set dimensions to fractional but it only effects the dims in the sketches. Why have it available there but not in drawings? Cant really understand that logic. Also when you click the box to show symbols and apply it still doesnt show the " symbol after the fractional dim.