Hi All,
Please let me take an advantage of this great forum to get feedback to an idea of doing a Bolted Connection tool for Fusion.
Here is a link to video that demonstrates the proposal: http://youtu.be/7ev8vtVPY3A. The idea is simple: provide one click solution for modeling productivity. Simple UI and workflow optimized for Designers. Quick geometry generation, but no BOM (Bill Of Material) data.

I’m leading a small development team in Autodesk that just joined the Fusion family to help to make it even more successful. There is nothing better than getting feedback directly from You – Fusion users. Please take a look at the video and let me know your opinions, suggestions and thoughts. I would really appreciate it.
(If that kind of direct communication between development and customer community would be interesting to you I may be setting up a blog here – we did also a proposal for Gear tool that would quickly produce gears with exact geometry ready for 3D printing and some other interesting stuff.)
Thanks for your time,